我目前正在使用 scala (2.11)、Playframework (2.2.3) 和 MongoDB (with Salat) 编写我的第一个应用程序。由于我不太了解它们中的任何一个,所以我遇到了一个初学者问题:我无法从表单提交数据。
[error] .../app/controllers/api/Users.scala:96: Cannot find Formatter type class for se.radley.plugin.salat.Binders.ObjectId. Perhaps you will need to import play.api.data.format.Formats._
[error] "id" -> of[ObjectId],
[error] ^
[error] .../app/views/user.scala.html:7: type mismatch;
[error] found : play.api.mvc.EssentialAction
[error] required: String
[error] @helper.form(action = new play.api.mvc.Call("POST",api.Users.create)) {
这是我的代码:查看 - users.scala.html:
@(userForm: Form[User])
@import views.html.helper._
@main("create new user") {
@helper.form(action = new play.api.mvc.Call("POST",api.Users.create)) {
<!-- other fields -->
<button type="submit">Create</button>
我的控制器的一部分 - Users.scala:
def create = JsonAction[SUser] { user =>
SUser.save(user, WriteConcern.Safe)
def createForm() = Action {
val userForm = Form(mapping(
"id" -> of[ObjectId],
"username" -> nonEmptyText,
// other fields
POST /user controllers.api.Users.create()
最后是我的模型 - User.scala:
case class User(
id: ObjectId = new ObjectId,
username: String,
// etc
object User extends UserDAO with UserJson
trait UserDAO extends ModelCompanion[User, ObjectId] {
def collection = mongoCollection("users")
val dao = new SalatDAO[User, ObjectId](collection) {} /* other methods */ }
trait UserJson {
implicit val userJsonWrite = new Writes[User] {
def writes(u: User): JsValue = {
"id" -> u.id,
"username" -> u.username,
/* etc */ )}}
implicit val userJsonRead = (
(__ \ 'id).read[ObjectId] ~
(__ \ 'username).read[String] ~
/* etc */ ) (User.apply _)
在 Play for Scala (Manning) 的帮助下,我基于https://github.com/leon/play-salat尝试了许多不同的变体,以及我在该主题上找到的谷歌链接。在我看来,这是一个非常明显的问题,但正如我所说,我对这些主题很陌生。如果有人能指出我正确的方向,甚至给我发教程或其他东西,那就太好了!谢谢!