我试图在 Idris 中创建大小为 n 的元组:
module NTuple
data Tuple : Vect n Type -> Type where
EmptyTuple : Tuple Nil
TupleItem : a -> Tuple types -> Tuple (a :: types)
mapN : {types : Vect n Type} -> (i : Fin (S n)) -> (a -> b) -> Tuple (insertAt i a types) -> Tuple (insertAt i b types)
mapN fZ f (TupleItem x xs) = TupleItem (f x) xs
mapN (fS i) f (TupleItem x xs) = TupleItem x (mapN i f xs)
When elaborating left hand side of mapN: When elaborating an application of NTuple.mapN: Can't unify Tuple (a :: types) with Tuple (insertAt (fS i) a types) Specifically: Can't unify a :: types with insertAt (fS i) a types