我试图在 Idris 中创建大小为 n 的元组:

module NTuple

data Tuple : Vect n Type -> Type where
  EmptyTuple : Tuple Nil
  TupleItem : a -> Tuple types -> Tuple (a :: types)

mapN : {types : Vect n Type} -> (i : Fin (S n)) -> (a -> b) -> Tuple (insertAt i a types) -> Tuple (insertAt i b types)
mapN fZ     f (TupleItem x xs) = TupleItem (f x) xs
mapN (fS i) f (TupleItem x xs) = TupleItem x (mapN i f xs)


When elaborating left hand side of mapN: 
When elaborating an application of NTuple.mapN:
    Can't unify
            Tuple (a :: types)
            Tuple (insertAt (fS i) a types)

            Can't unify
                    a :: types
                    insertAt (fS i) a types



1 回答 1


问题是,insertAt (FS i) a types如果不知道任何关于types. 如果我们知道types = t :: ts,那么它可以简化为t :: insertAt i ts.

但在 的第二种情况下mapN,我们确实知道这types正是这种形式:

  1. 我们的第一个论点是FS i
  2. 暗示n = S m一些m...
  3. 意味着我们的隐式types参数具有类型Vect (S m) Type
  4. 这意味着它的形式t :: ts

一旦我们向 Idris 指出这一点,我们很乐意减少insertAt (FS i) a types代码类型检查:

mapN : {types : Vect n Type} -> (i : Fin (S n)) -> (a -> b) -> Tuple (insertAt i a types) -> Tuple (insertAt i b types)
mapN                  FZ     f (TupleItem x xs) = TupleItem (f x) xs
mapN {types = _ :: _} (FS i) f (TupleItem x xs) = TupleItem x (mapN i f xs)
mapN {types = []}     (FS i) _ _                = absurd i
于 2014-12-09T01:56:13.097 回答