
#region Constructors and Destructors

public IpDiagnosticsService()
    // : base()
    // NOP. Required for serializer.

public IpDiagnosticsService(string applicationName, SPFarm farm) : base(applicationName, farm)
    // NOP


#region Properties

// ...omitted.


惊人的。我不想要那个。 它如何关闭它?找不到任何选项。


1 回答 1


Resharper depends on an XML file that defines the layout of the files. It can be found under Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Type Members Layout.

enter image description here

Remove the <Group Region="*"/> elements to remove the region creation. More details about the file format can be found here.

于 2014-07-31T13:08:13.367 回答