The App is reading the call log. On most devices that is fine, some others get SecurityException for READ_CONTACTS (which I don't have and don't want in my AndroidManifest.xml.

Why is that and can I do something about that? Perhaps through a projection, which does not fetch the CACHED_NAME?


1 回答 1


android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG在 API 级别 16 中引入。在此之前,它是隐式的android.permission.READ_CONTACTS,不作为单独的权限存在。我怀疑您的问题出在 API 15 及更低版本的设备上,因为它们会忽略您的清单uses-permissionREAD_CALL_LOG,因此无权读取日志。对于那些设备,READ_CONTACTS是正确的权限。

于 2014-08-01T18:46:10.197 回答