我有一个 web 表单,它将根据数据库中的行数动态创建一些填充数据的复选框列表。然后将其添加到要显示的占位符中。
以下代码写在 Page_Load 中 (!Page.IsNotPostBack) 并在一个循环中动态创建多个复选框列表:
CheckBoxLis chkContent = new CheckBoxList();
chkContent.ID = chkIDString; //chkIDString is an incremental int based on the row count
chkContent.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal;
foreach (List<t> contentList in List<t>) //data retrieved as List<t> using LINQ
ListItem contents = new ListItem();
contents.Text = contentList.Title;
contents.Value = contentList.contentID.ToString();
plcSchool.Controls.Add(chkContent); //plcSchool is my placeholder
plcSchool.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br>"));
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
CheckBoxList cbl = Page.FindControl("chkContent4") as CheckBoxList;
Response.Write(cbl.SelectedValue.ToString()); // now im just testing to get the value from one of the checkboxlist