I am using Oracle Client 10.2g and by changing my connection string to the Oracle database I now get error ORA00907 for some of my queries.
The code is executing within excel 2010 using VBA and I can run 20+ quires without error using the following connection string:
ServerConnectionString="Driver={Oracle in OraClient10g_home1};Dbq=DBNAME;Uid=USERNAME;Pwd=PASSWORD;"
With OpenR2DBConnection
.ConnectionTimeout = ConnectionTimeout
.Open ServerConnectionString
.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout
End With
By changing the connection string only to:
ServerConnectionString="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=(<<<data exact translation from TNSNAMES file for the DBNAME>>>);User id=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD;"
2 of the 20+ queries fail with ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
One of the Queries that fails (refracted):
select n1.name,n1.sdate,n1.edate,n1.note as crnote,n1.cdate ,n1.pri
select n.name,n.sdate,n.edate,n.note,n.cdate,n.pri , RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY n.sdate,pri ORDER BY (n.adate - n.cdate) asc,n.pri asc) RANK
select mmpe.name,mmpe.sdate,mmpe.edate,mmpe.cannote as note,mmpe.cdate,mmip.crdate as adate,mp.pri
from mmpe ,mmmip mmip, mp
where <<clauses1>>
and mmpe.name in (<<list of strings>>)
and mmip.name(+) = mmpe.name
and <<more clauses2>>
Select mmip.name,mmip.sdate,greatest(<<formula>>) as edate , <<create note>> as note ,mmip.crdate as cdate, td.adate,mp.pri
From mi , mmip,td, mp
Where <<clauses3>>
and mi.name in (<<list of strings>>)
union all
Select mmip.name,mmip.sdate,mmip.edate as edate , <<create note>> as note ,mmip.crdate as cdate , td.adate,mp.pri
From mi , mmip,td, mp
Where <<clauses4>>
and mi.name in (<<list of strings>>)
Select mmip.name,mmip.sdate,td.cddate-1 as edate , <<create note>> as note, mmip.crdate as cdate,mmip.crdate as adate,mp.pri
From mi , mmip,td, mp
Where <<clauses4>>
and mi.name in (<<list of strings>>)
) n
) n1
where rank = 1
order by 6,2,5;
I have tested that the Query runs correctly in Oracle SQL Developer. I have verified that prior to Executing the query the SQL statements are identical for both connection strings.
The other query that fails is also using a union and rank function but it is not the only one.
The reason I wish to use the OraOLEDB.Oracle connection is that I am attempting to remove my reliance on the tnsnames.ora files as from time to time I add new database instances and want to avoid all my users having to update this file in the oracle directory.
Lastly the ORACLE database is version 8.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks in advance!
Updated: Removed typo error