I am writing code to address the Nurse Restoring Problem

I have implemented Simulated Annealing and I am interested in comparing the results to Late Acceptance Hill Climbing

I have found some pseudo code for Late Acceptance but need a little help to write it in Java:

Produce an initial solution s
Calculate initial cost function C(s)
Set the initial number of steps I=0
For all k in ( 0.. L-1 ) C_hat[k]=C(s)
Do until a stopping condition
 Construct a candidate solution s*
 Calculate its cost function C(s*)
 v = I mod L
 If C(s*) <= C_hat[v]
 Then accept s*
 Insert cost value into the list C_hat[v] = C(s)
 Increment a number of steps I=I+1
End do

I really don't get this bit: For all k in ( 0.. L-1 ) C_hat[k]=C(s)

The pseudo code is from http://www.yuribykov.com/LAHC/LAHC_wonders.pdf


1 回答 1


我正在in为关系的“元素”和C_hat[k]顶部带有“帽子”和下标 k 的 C 写作,因为这些东西在这种格式下显示效果不佳。

For all k in ( 0.. L-1 ) C_hat[k]=C(s)

此行的目的是在算法的其余部分中,您假设您可以取v范围内0的任何值L-1并测试是否If C(s*) <= C_hat[v]C_hat[v]除非已经定义,否则这是没有意义的。上面引用的行确保C_hat[v]在您尝试使用该值之前,每个此类都具有明确定义的值。



Insert cost value into the list C_hat[v] = C(s)

根据源文档中算法的格式,我会得出结论,无论新解决方案是否被接受,都将在循环的每次迭代上执行此操作。下次索引v出现时,最新的解决方案只需比之前尝试的 index 更好v,即使该提议的解决方案非常糟糕。这似乎不对。我想知道该行是否实际上应该是该then子句的一部分,只有在解决方案被接受时才执行。

于 2014-07-29T17:30:00.790 回答