I've created a package that contains one procedure and one function. Function is called by the trigger on insert after each row on the table REZULTAT.
create or replace trigger rezultat_compound
for insert on rezultat
compound trigger
v_igid rezultat.igra_id%type;
v_reid rezultat.id%type;
v_jck rezultat.jocker_broj%type;
cursor cur_type is rezultat%rowtype;
before each row is
end before each row;
after each row is
end after each row;
end rezultat_compound;
Function is supposed to calculate one of the columns for the inserted row, and its input parameter is ID of the inserted row which I used to select that particular inserted row into record type before calculation with record type.
function getJockerBroj
( i_igra_id igra.id%type
return rezultat.jocker_broj%type
v_jocker rezultat.jocker_broj%type;
rezultat_rec brojevi_type;
select br1
, br2
, br3
, br4
, br5
, br6
, br7
into rezultat_rec
from rezultat
where igra_id=i_igra_id;
( substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br1),-1, 1)
|| substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br2),-1, 1)
|| substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br3),-1, 1)
|| substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br4),-1, 1)
|| substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br5),-1, 1)
|| substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br6),-1, 1)
|| substr(to_char(rezultat_rec.br7),-1, 1)
return v_jocker;
This apparently causes mutating table error, even though the function is called after insert on each row.
How can I get around this and make the calculation with each inserted row in that function?