我在 Windows 中使用带有 pngcairo 终端的 Gnuplot 4.6 来绘制一些东西。如果我尝试使用 arial-bold 字体,我会收到以下错误:
Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "arial-bold, Not-Rotated 360", falling back to "Sans Not-Rotated 360", expect ugly output.
, 时也是如此,当我使用指定的大小(添加 ,x)时。这很奇怪,因为我从来没有指定这个 ' Not-Rotated
' 业务,并且当我只使用它arial
set output "./Paired CDFvsdRd Graph #17.png
set title "Effect of IRSS LWIR @ 10m (15kts, φ=all°)" offset 0,1 font 'arial-bold,30'
set term pngcairo dashed size 1280,960
set key font "arial,14"
set xlabel "dRd [AU]" offset 0,-1 font "arial-bold,18"
set ylabel "CDF" offset -1,0 font "arial-bold,18"
set mxtics 5 ; set mytics 5
set grid xtics mxtics ytics mytics ls 6, ls 5
set xrange [-0.612187:0.421873] # Change [min:max] to desired x range
plot './Paired CDFvsdRd Graph #17.csv' u 1:2 title "IRSS, 15kts, θ=30°" w l ls 1,\
'./Paired CDFvsdRd Graph #17.csv' u 5:6 title "IRSS + HFC, 15kts, θ=30°" w l ls 2,\
'./Paired CDFvsdRd Graph #17.csv' u 9:10 title "IRSS, 15kts, no-sun" w l ls 3
我正在使用 Gnuplot 4.6 补丁级别 5