I have a SharePoint Site called ProxymGroup which has multiple affiliates and departments. I created the webApplication and added 2 managed Paths of type WildCard called Affiliates and Departments.

Under affiliates i needed to create 3 site collections and under departments 2 other SiteCollections. So, here i have the links for the siteCollections:

http://MyHostName/affiliates/SiteCol1 ... and http://MyHostName/departments/SiteCol1 ... etc.

My goal is to display all that hierarchy in theTopNavigationBar menu of the siteCollection because when i activated SharePoint server publishing feature and checked Show SubSites in navigation tab under site sittings it only showed me the subsites, not the siteCollections created under this site.

How can i do please to get that hierachy shown in my TopNavigationBar menu???

Thanks in advance


2 回答 2


据我所知,没有 ootb 方法可以在网站集之间共享的导航中显示信息。每个网站都有自己的母版页,只能显示子网站,不能显示其他网站集。

或者,您可以创建一个 powershell 脚本,为所有现有网站集设置相同的导航项,在所有网站的所有菜单中添加所有现有网站的链接


于 2014-07-25T22:09:35.873 回答

转到站点设置 -> 外观 -> 导航,您可以手动添加链接并根据需要更改层次结构,请检查下图是否相同。 在此处输入图像描述

于 2014-07-28T15:40:39.967 回答