我正在为我们的中心开发一个新站点,在 Linux 上使用 Plone 4.3.3。我也在使用 Plonetheme Burned。如何更改页脚文本以替换“Plone Foundation and friends”对我的组织的版权归属?


1 回答 1


At least we have two ways to achieve this. One is to edit the registered (template-based) view plone.footer through the Zope Management Interface (ZMI). This approach seems more straight-forward for new comers.

Click into the Plone Site, scroll down to look for portal_view_customizations (Template customizations). You will see all the registered views there, including plone.footer.

enter image description here

Click into plone.footer you will see its template file in HTML format. Click on Customize button to modify it. Thus you can manage the Plone Footer template.

The above approach is much the same with Change the Logo in Plone.

Another equivalent way is to create your plone.footer viewlet in the filesystem, to override the stock one provided by plone.app.layout.viewlet module. See http://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/views/viewlets.html for more info. Still, there is an equivalent way to override the template, online search with keywords like z3c.jbot for more details.

于 2014-07-25T03:10:36.077 回答