I'm installing some tracking code into the checkout_success.php page. I need to be able to grab the coupon code/discount code name from the order, if one was used so that I can echo it out in my tracking script.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this?
I'm using this contribution of discount coupons; ot_discount_coupons.php, August 4, 2006, author: Kristen G. Thorson, ot_discount_coupon_codes version 3.0
It seems that the coupon code is not actually stored in the order_totals, but in a seperate discount_coupons_to_orders table. is there a query i can do on this table to find the matching coupon code used for this order? i tried the following but it return nothing;
$coupon_query = tep_db_query("select coupons_id from discount_coupons_to_orders where orders_id = '".(int)$orders['orders_id']."' ORDER BY orders_id DESC LIMIT 1"); $coupon_id = tep_db_fetch_array($coupon_query); $couponid = $coupon_id['coupon_id'];
Thank you.