是否有用于构建 python 模块内容的 PEP 或一般约束约定?我目前的结构像
- 模块文档
- 元变量(__all__、__author__、__version__、...)
- 包括
- 模块方法
- 班级
Generic clients
This package contains abstract, generic clients for foreign-API interaction.
Please see the client's documentation for advises for implementation.
__date__ = "16.07.2014"
__author__ = "My Name <me@company.com>"
__all__ = ['ImportClient',
from .abc import CustomerAwareConfigurableSlaveLog
from ..config import Config
import pyopenimmo as OpenImmo
from abc import abstractmethod
class ImportClient(CustomerAwareConfigurableSlaveLog):
Generic client that can import OpenImmo data
def import_(self, openimmo):
Imports OpenImmo data from API
class ExportClient(CustomerAwareConfigurableSlaveLog):
Generic client that can export OpenImmo data
def export(self, openimmo): #@UnusedVariable
Exports OpenImmo data to API