I have been working on a shell script that performs some deploy tasks by checking files out from svn and calling a Jar. I have been using a test SVN url without issues for the development. I now need to test Tag deployments and suddenly svn is giving me problems when i try to build the url using input.
I am building the url like this:
svnurl=$(echo ${template//[# ]/})
urls=("${urls[@]}" $svnurl)
which is only slightly different to the working code:
svnurl=$(echo ${template//[# ]/})
urls=("${urls[@]}" $svnurl)
svn export "$svnurl"
(basically I am taking the IP and tag directory out of the url-template).
now when i attempt to run my shell, instead of getting "export complete" , i get the following:
./deploy-files.sh: line 36: svn:// No such file or directory
svn: '.' is not a working copy
When I run svn export svn://
in the terminal the file exports correctly. I have checked and the urls are identical. I cant reproduce the '.' is a working copy error no matter what I try.
note: svn export -q svn://"$tag"/deploy-filelist.yml
is used earlier in the script and that works fine
What could the cause be ?
more info on how the svn urls are built
IFS=$'\n' yaml=($(cat deploy-filelist.yml))
for u in "${yaml[@]}"; do
if [[ $u =~ url.* ]]
template=$(echo $u | sed -e 's/url://g' -e 's/"//' -e 's/"$//')
svnurl=$(echo ${template//[# ]/})
urls=("${urls[@]}" $svnurl)
svn checkout "$svnurl"
I read each line from deploy-filelist.yml. if the line contains "url" i cut out the required String and add it to the template 'svn://....' part. The url is formed correctly as I can copy the error message and use it to export the file.