为了不支持nameref的 Bash 版本(在 Bash 4.3-alpha 中引入),我可以定义帮助函数,其中返回值分配给给定的变量。这有点像eval
示例 1
## Add two complex numbers and returns it.
## re: real part, im: imaginary part.
## Helper function named by the 5th positional parameter
## have to have been defined before the function is called.
local re1="$1" im1="$2" re2="$3" im2="$4" fnName="$5" sumRe sumIm
sumRe=$(($re1 + $re2))
sumIm=$(($im1 + $im2))
## Call the function and return 2 values.
"$fnName" "$sumRe" "$sumIm"
local fooRe='101' fooIm='37' barRe='55' barIm='123' bazRe bazIm quxRe quxIm
## Define the function to receive mutiple return values
## before calling complexAdd().
retValAssign() { bazRe="$1"; bazIm="$2"; }
## Call comlexAdd() for the first time.
complexAdd "$fooRe" "$fooIm" "$barRe" "$barIm" 'retValAssign'
## Redefine the function to receive mutiple return values.
retValAssign() { quxRe="$1"; quxIm="$2"; }
## Call comlexAdd() for the second time.
complexAdd "$barRe" "$barIm" "$bazRe" "$bazIm" 'retValAssign'
echo "foo = $fooRe + $fooIm i"
echo "bar = $barRe + $barIm i"
echo "baz = foo + bar = $bazRe + $bazIm i"
echo "qux = bar + baz = $quxRe + $quxIm i"
示例 2
## Add two complex numbers and returns it.
## re: real part, im: imaginary part.
## Helper functions
## getRetRe(), getRetIm(), setRetRe() and setRetIm()
## have to have been defined before the function is called.
local re1="$1" im1="$2" re2="$3" im2="$4"
setRetRe "$re1"
setRetRe $(($(getRetRe) + $re2))
setRetIm $(($im1 + $im2))
local fooRe='101' fooIm='37' barRe='55' barIm='123' bazRe bazIm quxRe quxIm
## Define getter and setter functions before calling complexAdd().
getRetRe() { echo "$bazRe"; }
getRetIm() { echo "$bazIm"; }
setRetRe() { bazRe="$1"; }
setRetIm() { bazIm="$1"; }
## Call comlexAdd() for the first time.
complexAdd "$fooRe" "$fooIm" "$barRe" "$barIm"
## Redefine getter and setter functions.
getRetRe() { echo "$quxRe"; }
getRetIm() { echo "$quxIm"; }
setRetRe() { quxRe="$1"; }
setRetIm() { quxIm="$1"; }
## Call comlexAdd() for the second time.
complexAdd "$barRe" "$barIm" "$bazRe" "$bazIm"
echo "foo = $fooRe + $fooIm i"
echo "bar = $barRe + $barIm i"
echo "baz = foo + bar = $bazRe + $bazIm i"
echo "qux = bar + baz = $quxRe + $quxIm i"