Can someone explain why JMH saying that returning 1 is faster than returning 0 ?

Here is the benchmark code.

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

@Fork(value = 3, jvmArgsAppend = {"-server", "-disablesystemassertions"})
public class ZeroVsOneBenchmark {

    @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 2, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    public int zero() {
        return 0;

    @Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 2, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    public int one() {
        return 1;

Here is the result:

# Run complete. Total time: 00:03:05

Benchmark                       Mode   Samples        Score  Score error    Units
c.m.ZeroVsOneBenchmark.one     thrpt        60  1680674.502    24113.014   ops/ms
c.m.ZeroVsOneBenchmark.zero    thrpt        60   735975.568    14779.380   ops/ms

The same behaviour for one, two and zero

# Run complete. Total time: 01:01:56

Benchmark                       Mode   Samples        Score  Score error    Units
c.m.ZeroVsOneBenchmark.one     thrpt        90  1762956.470     7554.807   ops/ms
c.m.ZeroVsOneBenchmark.two     thrpt        90  1764642.299     9277.673   ops/ms
c.m.ZeroVsOneBenchmark.zero    thrpt        90   773010.467     5031.920   ops/ms

1 回答 1


JMH 是一个很好的工具,但仍然不完美。

当然,返回 0、1 或任何其他整数之间没有速度差异。但是,JMH 如何使用该值以及 HotSpot JIT 如何编译该值会有所不同。

为了防止 JIT 优化计算,JMH 使用特殊的Blackhole类来使用从基准测试返回的值。这是一个整数值:

public final void consume(int i) {
    if (i == i1 & i == i2) {
        nullBait.i1 = i; // implicit null pointer exception

i是从基准测试返回的值。在您的情况下,它是 0 或 1。当i == 1永远不会发生的情况看起来像if (1 == i1 & 1 == i2)这样编译如下:

0x0000000002b4ffe5: mov    0xb0(%r13),%r10d   ;*getfield i1
0x0000000002b4ffec: mov    0xb4(%r13),%r8d    ;*getfield i2
0x0000000002b4fff3: cmp    $0x1,%r8d
0x0000000002b4fff7: je     0x0000000002b50091  ;*return

但是当i == 0JIT 试图“优化”两个0使用setne指令的比较时。但是结果代码变得太复杂了:

0x0000000002a40b28: mov    0xb0(%rdi),%r10d   ;*getfield i1
0x0000000002a40b2f: mov    0xb4(%rdi),%r8d    ;*getfield i2
0x0000000002a40b36: test   %r10d,%r10d
0x0000000002a40b39: setne  %r10b
0x0000000002a40b3d: movzbl %r10b,%r10d
0x0000000002a40b41: test   %r8d,%r8d
0x0000000002a40b44: setne  %r11b
0x0000000002a40b48: movzbl %r11b,%r11d
0x0000000002a40b4c: xor    $0x1,%r10d
0x0000000002a40b50: xor    $0x1,%r11d
0x0000000002a40b54: and    %r11d,%r10d
0x0000000002a40b57: test   %r10d,%r10d
0x0000000002a40b5a: jne    0x0000000002a40c15  ;*return

也就是说,较慢return 0的解释是在 中执行的 CPU 指令更多Blackhole.consume()

JMH 开发人员注意:我建议Blackhole.consume像这样重写

if (i == l1) {
    nullBait.i1 = i; // implicit null pointer exception

哪里volatile long l1 = Long.MIN_VALUE。在这种情况下,条件仍将始终为假,但将对所有返回值进行同等编译。

于 2014-07-22T22:35:00.633 回答