我遇到了ActiveMQ问题,想跟踪/查看所有 ActiveMQ 活动。我能找到的唯一日志文件是与持久数据相关联的(如果打开的话)。我是否查看或生成了任何其他日志文件来告诉我 ActiveMQ 底层发生了什么以及为什么我的消费者不使用消息?还有其他建议吗?
activemq 有一个可以连接的 jmx 接口。
我发现它非常适合找出 activemq 的情况。
A quick firing up of jconsole and you will be well on your way to finding out what is going on.
Agreed. Also you can add the logging interceptor which helps.
Finally for browsing messages, moving them, creating/deleting queues and sending message I highly recommend the new web console for ActiveMQ, Camel and many other plugins: hawtio
Try HawtIO. Assuming you are not using Active MQ 5.9 you can add this feature to your broker. It is a much better web console and a good JMX monitoring utility as well.