我已经创建了几个 Windows 手机应用程序,我想链接到我的发布者页面以显示我发布的所有应用程序。请注意,我正在使用 C# 和 XAML为Windows Phone 7.x及更高版本开发我的应用程序。


我想做的是显示以下发布者页面:在 Windows Phone 中,导航到 Windows Phone 商店,然后选择任何应用程序,然后选择“更多来自 <Publisher>”链接。这显示了该发布商的所有应用程序的漂亮移动视图。但我不知道如何直接从我的应用程序中调出该发布者页面。任何帮助,将不胜感激!

选项 1) 直接链接到我的发布者页面的 URL(使用 WebBrowserTask)

问题)所有指向商店的链接似乎都需要在 URL 中嵌入 en-US 语言。我担心其他国家/语言的用户会发生什么。

示例:http://www.windowsphone.com/en-US /store/publishers?publisherId=Microsoft% 2BCorporation


选项 2) 使用 MarketplaceDetailTask​​ 链接到发布者

问题)据我所知,这只能用于链接到应用程序。我尝试使用我的发布者 GUID 并得到:市场错误 - 很抱歉,我们现在无法完成您的请求。

MarketplaceDetailTask marketplaceDetailTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask();
marketplaceDetailTask.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications;
marketplaceDetailTask.ContentIdentifier = <My Publisher GUID>;

选项 3) 使用 MarketplaceSearchTask 链接到发布者


MarketplaceSearchTask searchTask = new MarketplaceSearchTask();
searchTask.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications;
searchTask.SearchTerms = "<My Publisher Name>";



1 回答 1


As you're targeting WP7+, unfortunately using the zune:search URI only works on WP8 as it relies on URI Schemes, which was not backported to WP7. Based on these two posts, I tried the following on your behalf:


And a bunch of other things, but it seems that only zune://navigate is available on Windows Phone 7 and that only allows you to load a specific app. (Perhaps someone who feels like opening reflector or on the Phone teams could comment here...)

Two other things I've come across that you can look into:

1) There used to be an undocumented Zune api that you could query the marketplace against; it looks like this has been replaced by the Marketplace Edge Service, which you could try and dig around for:


2) You could add a specific unique keyword to all your apps and use the MarketplaceSearchTask, as suggested here by Matt.

Personally, I'd go with #2 because:

  • you never know when the Marketplace Edge Service will change
  • 1 is not technically supported by Microsoft

  • you won't have to replicate the page you're trying to display

Of course, there's also nothing stopping you from creating your own "Apps by X" page for your app and maintain it yourself manually.

Best of luck!

于 2014-07-23T06:46:41.267 回答