我希望检查我的 WAV 文件中的光谱质心 (SC)。
我正在使用以下 MATLAB 代码来执行此操作:
function C = SpectralCentroid2(signal,windowLength, step, fs)
% function C = SpectralCentroid(signal,windowLength, step, fs)
% This function computes the spectral centroid feature of an audio signal
% - signal: the audio samples
% - windowLength: the length of the window analysis (in number of samples)
% - step: the step of the window analysis (in number of samples)
% - fs: the sampling frequency
% - C: the sequence of the spectral centroid feature
signal = signal / max(abs(signal));
curPos = 1;
L = length(signal);
numOfFrames = floor((L-windowLength)/step) + 1;
H = hamming(windowLength);
m = ((fs/(2*windowLength))*[1:windowLength])';
C = zeros(numOfFrames,1);
for (i=1:numOfFrames)
window = H.*(signal(curPos:curPos+windowLength-1));
FFT = (abs(fft(window,2*windowLength)));
FFT = FFT(1:windowLength);
FFT = FFT / max(FFT);
C(i) = sum(m.*FFT)/sum(FFT);
if (sum(window.^2)<0.010)
C(i) = 0.0;
curPos = curPos + step;
C = C / (fs/2);
当我输入“SpectralCentroid2(366383, 1024, 128, 44100)”时,MATLAB 会说:
>> SpectralCentroid2(366383, 1024, 128, 44100)
ans =
Empty matrix: 0-by-1