

//Specify default values//

//Your E-mail
$your_email = 'myemail';

//Default Subject if 'subject' field not specified
$default_subject = 'From My Contact Form';

//Message if 'name' field not specified
$name_not_specified = 'Please type a valid name';

//Message if 'message' field not specified
$message_not_specified = 'Please type a vaild message';

//Message if e-mail sent successfully
$email_was_sent = 'Thanks, your message successfully sent';

//Message if e-mail not sent (server not configured)
$server_not_configured = 'Sorry, mail server not configured';

//Contact Form Processing//
$errors = array();
if(isset($_POST['message']) and isset($_POST['name'])) {
        $sender_name  = stripslashes(strip_tags(trim($_POST['name'])));

        $message      = stripslashes(strip_tags(trim($_POST['message'])));

        $sender_email = stripslashes(strip_tags(trim($_POST['email'])));

        $subject      = stripslashes(strip_tags(trim($_POST['subject'])));

    //Message if no sender name was specified
    if(empty($sender_name)) {
        $errors[] = $name_not_specified;

    //Message if no message was specified
    if(empty($message)) {
        $errors[] = $message_not_specified;

    $from = (!empty($sender_email)) ? 'From: '.$sender_email : '';

    $subject = (!empty($subject)) ? $subject : $default_subject;

    $message = (!empty($message)) ? wordwrap($message, 70) : '';

    //sending message if no errors
    if(empty($errors)) {
        if (mail($your_email, $subject, $message, $from)) {
            echo $email_was_sent;
        } else {
            $errors[] = $server_not_configured;
            echo implode('<br>', $errors );
    } else {
        echo implode('<br>', $errors );

4 回答 4


Imporant, but slightly off-topic

Though this does not really answer your question, I do urge you to look into Mail-injection. Whenever you decide to send a mail message using client-data, you are at risk. You don't seem to be sanitizing the data enough.
I have reviewed code on a couple of occasions that did similar things (sending mails with PHP, or processing contact forms). What I had to say about that, especially on the subject of mail-injection can be found here, and here. Both code-reviews contain links that might also be worth reading.

Anyway, to answer your question:

If you don't want PHP to reach a certain statement (ie: mail()) in when something goes wrong, use code that allows you to control the flow (stop execution before the statement is reached).
The simplest, and easiest way to do this is through use of a function:

 * Sends mail using data in $data argument
 * requires $fields to be an assoc array where
 * keys == field names, and values = null|| default value
 * null for required fields, default value for optional fields
 * If $data is invalid, an InvalidArgumentException is thrown
 * @param array $data
 * @param array $fields
 * @return bool mail() return value
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException
function sendMail(array $data, array $fields)
    foreach ($fields as $field => $val)
        if (isset($data[$field]))
        {//data is set
            if ($field === 'email')
                $val = filter_var($data[$field], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
                if (!filter_var($val, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
                {//if email is not valid, throw exception
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                            'invalid %s value: %s',
            {//basic, crude sanitation, not enough to protect agains mail injection
                $data[$field] = nl2br(strip_tags(trim($data[$field])));
            if (!$val)
                throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                        '%s is a required field',
             $data[$field] = $val;
    return mail('your_email', $data['subject'], wordwrap($data['message'],70), 'From: '.$data['email']);

Note that I added special sanitation/validation checks for email addresses. A function worth remembering is filter_var. It has special constants to validate and/or sanitize values. See which filters are available here.

Now this code may seem quite verbose (and it is). If you want, you could easily replace all the throw new InvalidArgumentException statements with a simple return 'The error message string'; statement. This will change the way you use this function.
With the exceptions being thrown, you use the function like so:

if ($_POST)
{//if there is post data
    {//try - catch block
        //which fields are required, which have default values, defined here
        $validate = array(
            'email'   => null,//required
            'message' => null,//required
            'name'    => 'No Name',//default val,
            'subject' => 'Default subject'//default
        //call function, check what it returns
        if (sendMail($_POST, $validate))
            echo 'Message was sent';//echos if return value was true
        else//if false:
            echo 'failed to send message';
    catch(InvalidArgumentException $e)
    {//if an exception was thrown
        echo 'Error: ', $e->getMessage();//echo the error message

Now, assume we've replaced all the throw statements with a simple return 'error-string'; statement. Now the usage looks like this:

if ($_POST)
    $validate = array();//same array as above
    $return = sendMail($_POST, $validate);
    if ($return === true)//use type and value check: ===, not ==
        echo 'Message sent';
    elseif ($return === false)
        echo 'Failed to send message';
        echo 'Error: ', $return;//$return is a string: error message returned by function

That would be my way to tackle your problem

于 2014-07-17T12:00:22.113 回答

CLIENT SIDE METHODrequired在提交表单之前为您不想填写的字段的每个元素添加属性!



if(!(isset($_POST['message']) and isset($_POST['name'])))
    header('locaition: formurl');


于 2014-07-17T11:32:19.897 回答


//Contact Form Processing//
$errors = array();
if(!empty($_POST['message']) and !empty($_POST['name'])) {


//Contact Form Processing//
$errors = array();
if(!empty($_POST['message']) and trim($_POST['message']) and !empty($_POST['name']) and trim($_POST['name'])) {
于 2014-07-17T11:36:15.883 回答



if($errors) {
    foreach($errors as $value) {
         echo $value . "<br/>";


于 2014-07-17T11:30:54.800 回答