I have the following problem: I am using ui-router to display a ng-grid on a page. But the $resource is not changing the parameter from the url when sending to server (e.g. http://bcunix.test:8080/MYAPP/eq/:Id). The :Id is not changed, and I get Bad request from the server because I am sending :Id.
(function() {
'use strict';
var brgEquipments = angular.module('brg.equipments',
brgEquipments.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('list', {
url: '/equipments/list',
templateUrl: '/scripts/modules/equipments/views/grid_list.html',
controller: 'equipmentsListCtrl',
resolve: {
// A string value resolves to a service
eqService: 'eqService',
// A function value resolves to the return
// value of the function
equipments: function(eqService) {
return eqService.query().$promise;
(function() {
'use strict';
var eqCtrls = angular.module('brg.equipments.controllers');
eqCtrls.factory('eqService', ['$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource("http://bcunix.test:8080/MYAPP/eq/:Id",
{ Id: "@Id"},
update: {
method: "PUT"
remove: {
method: "DELETE"
Result: GET http://bcunix.test:8080/MYAPP/eq/:Id 400 (Bad Request)
Any help / hints would be appreciated.
Thanks, AdiP