- Matlab(创建线图,然后
for i=1:size(lineHandles,1), set(lineHandles(i),'lineWidth',4),end
- 另存为 .png 文件。
- Gimp(将文件裁剪为漂亮的矩形)
- InkScape(打开 png 文件,单击图像,菜单路径 -> 跟踪位图 -> 颜色量化(2 种颜色)-> 将路径拖到一边(当您选择此选项时,它会在底部的状态栏中显示路径)。单击图像并删除。将路径(带节点)放回页面上(在顶部的工具栏中有一个 x/y 坐标设置,将它们都设置为 0。
- 另存为 .dxf 文件。要使这些输入更好,请使用http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:14221提供的扩展。这应该通过将 .py 和 .inx 文件复制到 /usr/share/inkscape/extensions (或类似文件)来安装
- 使用命令在 OpenSCAD 中打开
linear_extrude(height = x)
可以使用x 以 mm 为单位的高度来挤压此对象(其他长度可能可配置)
- 使用 CGAL 渲染(F6 是 OpenSCAD 中的快捷方式。)
- 导出到 .stl 文件(菜单设计 > 导出为 STL...)
MATLAB 脚本(根据需要编辑并根据需要获取输出,如果您想要线句柄,则需要放入几乎所有输出参数(或重新排序):
%voronoiScriptHex generates voronoi cells in a hexagonal tesselation grid
% [X, Y, Fig, Axis, Lx, Ly, lH, lD] = voronoiScript(Bnd, Spc, D, ...)
% Output variables
% X is the x coordinate of the voronoi cell centres
% Y is the y coordinate of the voronoi cell centres
% Fig is the handle of the figure generated
% Axis is the handle of the axes used
% Lx gives the start and end x coordinates of the voronoi lines
% Ly gives the start and end y coordinates of the voronoi lines
% lH is the set of handles for the voronoi lines
% lD is constructed from [Lx; Ly], it is a [4 by Length] array
% Bnd specifies the boundaries for the region to be covered. It should be
% either one number, or a pair of numbers in a [1x2] vector, specifying
% [maxX, maxY]. 0 is taken as the minimum value.
% Spc specifies the average spacing. For a hex grid, it only accepts one
% value.
% D specifies the variation from a uniform grid. It is multiplied by a
% random number between -0.5 and 0.5 and added to the [x,y] coordinates
% of a point. If size(D) = [1x2], then the values are for [Dx, Dy].
% Optional arguments can be used to place some points exactly on the grid
% they would lie on with D[x/y] = 0. The first should be 'PartFixed' -
% this is a boolean and if true, some points are fixed to the grid.
% The second argument is 'FractionFixed'. This is an integer value
% (double class variables are accepted, but floor(arg) must be equal to
% (arg)). It specifies inversely how often points should be fixed, eg a
% value of 1 fixes every point, whilst a value of 5 fixes 1/5 of the
% points.
% PlotScatter is another boolean value, which sets if a scatter plot of
% the X,Y values corresponding to the cell centres should be included in
% the figure.
function [X, Y, Figure, Axis, Lx, Ly, lineHandles, lineData] = ...
voronoiScriptHex(Boundary, Spacing, Delta, varargin)
p = inputParser;
p.FunctionName = 'voronoiScript';
addRequired(p, 'Boundary', @checkTypes);
addRequired(p, 'Spacing', @isnumeric);
addRequired(p, 'Delta', @checkTypes);
defaultPart = false;
addOptional(p, 'PartFixed', defaultPart, @islogical);
defaultFraction = 2;
addOptional(p, 'FractionFixed', defaultFraction, @isAnInt);
defaultScatter = false;
addOptional(p, 'PlotScatter', defaultScatter, @islogical);
parse(p, Boundary, Spacing, Delta, varargin{:});
% Get values for boundaries and delta
% (Can be vectors or scalars)
if isequal(size(p.Results.Boundary),[1,2])
% Boundary is a vector [maxX, maxY]
BoundaryY = p.Results.Boundary(1,2);
BoundaryY = p.Results.Boundary(1,1);
if isequal(size(p.Results.Delta),[1,2])
% Delta is a vector [dX, dY]
DeltaY = p.Results.Delta(1,2);
DeltaY = p.Results.Delta(1,1);
Spacing = p.Results.Spacing;
BoundaryX = p.Results.Boundary(1,1);
DeltaX = p.Results.Delta(1,1);
D1 = [2*Spacing*cosd(30), Spacing];
numP = [ceil(BoundaryX/D1(1,1)) ceil(BoundaryY/D1(1,2))];
D2 = D1 ./ 2;
% Create the values
counter = 1;
xList(numP(1,1)*numP(1,2)) = 0;
yList(numP(1,1)*numP(1,2)) = 0;
for x=1:numP(1,1)
for y = 1:numP(1,2)
xList(counter) = (getPointValue(x, D1(1,1), DeltaX)-D2(1,1));
xList(counter+1) = getPointValue(x, D1(1,1), DeltaX);
yList(counter) = (getPointValue(y, D1(1,2), DeltaY)-D2(1,2));
yList(counter+1) = getPointValue(y, D1(1,2), DeltaY);
counter = counter + 2;
% Set some of the points to be without random change
if (p.Results.PartFixed),
for counter=1:p.Results.FractionFixed:size(xList,2),
[x, y] = getXYfromC(counter, numP(1,2));
xList(counter) = x*Spacing;
yList(counter) = y*Spacing;
X = xList;
Y = yList;
% Set manual ticks for the figure axes
ticksX = zeros(1,numP(1,1)+1);
for i=1:numP(1,1)+1,
ticksX(i) = i*D1(1,1);
ticksY = zeros(1,numP(1,2)+1);
for i=1:numP(1,2)+1,
ticksY(i) = i*D1(1,2);
BoundCoeff = 1.08;
Bounds = [0 BoundCoeff*BoundaryX; 0 BoundCoeff*BoundaryY];
% Give the figure a handle that is returned, and set axes values
Figure = figure;
Axis = axes;
axis equal;
minor = 'off';
gridtoggle = 'off';
set(Axis,'XTickMode','manual','YTickMode','manual', ...
'XGrid',gridtoggle,'YGrid',gridtoggle, ...
'XMinorGrid',minor,'YMinorGrid',minor, ...
'XTick',ticksX,'YTick',ticksY, ...
'XMinorTick',minor,'YMinorTick',minor, ...
'XLim',[0 Bounds(1,2)],'YLim',[0 Bounds(2,2)]);
%set(Axis,'XLim',[0 Bounds(1,2)],'YLim',[0 Bounds(2,2)]);
% Create the voronoi cells, returning the line points
[Lx, Ly] = voronoi(X,Y);
% Strip high values
counter = 1;
reducedXdat = zeros(2,size(Lx,2));
reducedYdat = zeros(2,size(Lx,2));
for i=1:size(Lx,2)
if Lx(1,i) > Bounds(1,1) && Lx(1,i) < Bounds(1,2) && ... % X value of start of line
Lx(2,i) > Bounds(2,1) && Lx(2,i) < Bounds(2,2) && ... % Y value of start of line
Ly(1,i) > Bounds(1,1) && Ly(1,i) < Bounds(1,2) && ... % X value of end of line
Ly(2,i) > Bounds(2,1) && Ly(2,i) < Bounds(2,2), % Y value of end of line
reducedXdat(:,counter) = Lx(:,i);
reducedYdat(:,counter) = Ly(:,i);
counter = counter + 1;
Lx = reducedXdat(:,1:counter-1);
Ly = reducedYdat(:,1:counter-1);
% Plot the voronoi lines
lineHandles = line(Lx, Ly);
% Set colours to black
if (1)
for i=1:size(lineHandles,1)
'LineWidth',3, ...
'LineSmoothing','on', ...
'Color',[0 0 0]);
lineData = [Lx; Ly];
if (p.Results.PlotScatter)
hold on;
function bool = checkTypes(arg)
bool = (isequal(class(arg),'double') && ...
(isequal(size(arg),[1,1]) || isequal(size(arg),[1,2])));
function bool = isAnInt(arg)
bool = (isequal(floor(arg),arg) && ...
isequal(size(arg),[1,1]) && ...
function val = getPointValue(intV, spacing, delta)
val = (((rand(1)-0.5)*delta)+(intV*spacing));
function [x,y] = getXYfromC(counter, sizeY)
x = floor(counter/sizeY)+1;
y = counter - ((x-1)*sizeY);
SCAD 脚本文件,用于将 voronoi 单元放置在一对圆柱体中,用于 3D 打印网格。根据需要使用路径进行编辑,或更改形状等:
$fn = 360;
inkFile = "/path/to/my/file";
scl = 1.05; // Scale variable
transVec = [-100, -98, 0]; // Move the imported image pattern so that it's centred.
makeRing([0,0,3],inR=96, outR=99, height=6);
makeRing([0,0,1.5], inR=99, outR=102, height=3);
intersection() {
#linear_extrude(height = 6.05, convexity=40, center=false) // Removing the # will get rid of the overlay, which helps see where the grid is.
scale([scl, scl, 1])
makeCylinder([0,0,3], 96, 6, $fn=360);
module makeCylinder(centre, radius, height) {
cylinder(h = height, r = radius, center=true);
module makeRing(centre,inR, outR, height) {
difference() {
makeCylinder(centre, outR, height);
makeCylinder(centre, inR, height+0.1);