我正在尝试使用 atlasboard 和人力车创建仪表板。现在发生的情况是,atlasboard 默认情况下具有黑色背景,并且在创建图形时无法看到 x 轴和 y 轴(例如 WIKI markdown 分析)。
如果您从官方 atlasboard 页面查看下面的示例屏幕截图,似乎 atlassian 开发人员已经设法将 x 轴显示为白色,所以我想知道:
是否有任何需要覆盖的 css 或者是否需要在 nodejs 中设置任何类型的设置?
Update1 以下答案:
widget = {
//runs when we receive data from the job
onData: function(el, data) {
function drawDashLine(val, max, min) {
var container = $('.content', el),
viewport = {
height: container.height(),
width: container.width()
topPosition = (viewport.height - Math.ceil(val/max * viewport.height));
var dashedLineLine = $('<hr />')
.attr('class', 'dashedLine')
width: el.width() - 40,
top: topPosition + 'px'
var lineLabel = $("<span />")
.attr('class', 'lineLabel')
top: topPosition + 'px'
container.append(dashedLineLine, lineLabel);
function paintMinMax(series) {
var mergedData = [];
for (var i = series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
mergedData = mergedData.concat(series[i].data);
var min = _.min(_.pluck(mergedData, 'y')),
max = _.max(_.pluck(mergedData, 'y')),
mid = Math.round(max / 2);
drawDashLine(min, max, min);
drawDashLine(mid, max, min);
drawDashLine(max, max, min);
function paintTimeMark(chartWidth, chartHeight, startDate, endDate, timeMarkData) {
if (!timeMarkData || !timeMarkData.length) {
var chartLengthMs = endDate - startDate;
for (var i = 0, l = timeMarkData.length; i < l; i++) {
var timeMark = timeMarkData[i];
// are we in the boundaries?
if ((timeMark.epoch < startDate) || (timeMark.epoch > endDate)){
continue; // out of boundaries
var lengthOfTimemark = timeMark.epoch - startDate;
var percentage = (lengthOfTimemark / chartLengthMs);
var leftPosition = Math.round(chartWidth * percentage);
var top = timeMark.top || 0;
var markHeight = chartHeight - top;
var color = timeMark.color || 'orange';
var mark = $('<div>')
.attr('class', 'mark')
left: leftPosition + 'px',
'margin-top': top + 'px',
'background-color' : color,
'height': markHeight + 'px'
var legend = $('<span>')
.attr('class', 'legend')
left: leftPosition + 'px',
'margin-top': top + 'px',
'height': markHeight + 'px'
$('.content', el).append(mark, legend);
var center = Math.round((legend.width() - (mark.width())) / 2);
// center align legend
(function(legend, center){
'margin-left': (-(center)) + 'px'
}(legend, center));
function paintChart(width, height, series, color) {
for (var i = series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
series[i].data = formatData(series[i].data);
var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph({
element: $('.graph', el)[0],
width: width,
height: height,
renderer: 'line',
offset: 'expand',
series: series
var xAxis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Time({
graph: graph,
timeFixture: new Rickshaw.Fixtures.Time.Local()
function formatData(rawData) {
var sortedData = _.sortBy(rawData, function(num) {
return num.date;
return _.map(sortedData, function(e) {
var ret = {
x: e.date,
y: e.sum
return ret;
var init = function() {
if (data.title) {
$('h2', el).text(data.title);
if ($('.graph', el).hasClass('rickshaw_graph')) {
$('.graph', el).empty();
if (!data.series.length) {
console.error('There is no results to paint the chart');
// paint chart
var width = el.width() - 50;
var height = el.closest('li').height() - 80;
paintChart(width, height, data.series, data.color || 'yellow');
// paint min max dash
// paint time marks
paintTimeMark(width, height, data.startDate, data.endDate, data.timeMarks);
module.exports = function(config, dependencies, job_callback) {
var text = "Hello World!";
var date1 = (new Date(2014, 4, 2, 1, 30, 0, 0))/1000;
var date2 = (new Date(2014, 5, 3, 2, 30, 0, 0))/1000;
var date3 = (new Date(2014, 6, 4, 3, 30, 0, 0))/1000;
var date4 = (new Date(2014, 7, 6, 4, 30, 0, 0))/1000;
var totalBacklogDefects = [{ x: date1, y : 40},
{ x: date2, y : 30},
{ x: date3, y : 23}, { x: date4, y : 10} ] ;
var blockedDefects = [{ x: date1, y : 32}, { x: date2, y : 22},
{ x: date3, y : 3}, { x: date4, y : 5} ] ;
var fixedDefects = [{ x: date1, y : 2}, { x: date2, y : 12},
{ x: date3 ,y : 20}, { x: date4, y : 25} ] ;
var series = [
data: totalBacklogDefects ,
color: 'steelblue',
name: 'Total Backlog'
data: blockedDefects ,
color: 'red',
name: 'Blocked Defects'
data: fixedDefects,
color: 'green',
name: 'Fixed'
var timeMarks = [
top: 0,
color: 'red',
name: 'test2',
epoch: date2
top: 0,
color: 'blue',
name: 'test1',
epoch: date3
job_callback(null, {title: "Graph Sandbox", series: series, startDate: date1 ,
endDate : date4 , timeMarks: timeMarks});
至于我的 html 页面,我添加了以下内容:
<div class="content">
<div class="graph rickshaw_graph"></div>