How do I easily tokenize a document or string using C++?
I'm familiar with ply.lex
module in Python but I couldn't find anything for C++. Is there a C++ library which can make use of lex
and yacc
? Or is there another better library or way of doing this easily?
435 次
1 回答
#include <stdio.h>
%option noyywrap
"+" { puts("token: +"); }
"-" { puts("token: -"); }
[0-9]+ { printf("token: %s\n", yytext); }
" " { /* empty */ }
[\n|\r\n\t] { /* empty */ }
. { fprintf(stderr, "Tokenizing error: synatx error '%c'\n", *yytext);
yyterminate(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
> flex example.l
> gcc -Wall lex.yy.c -o lex
> lex
100 - 2 + 34
token: 100
token: -
token: 2
token: +
token: 34
于 2014-07-15T00:44:18.553 回答