Mutt will not allow me to move to the "Chats" folder, although it is clearly visible when viewed with a web browser. The folder is simply not displayed in Mutt.

I am able to see all my chat history by using the search query "label:chat", so I thought if I create a filter to match these items, and assign them a label - maybe Mutt will see this new label.

Alas, Mutt sees the new label, but displays no items.

How do I view my chat/hangout history inside Mutt?


1 回答 1


默认情况下,IMAP 对 Gmail 中的聊天标签禁用。

您可以通过选择“在 IMAP 中显示”在标签选项卡下的设置中启用它。

Settings (top-right) --> Labels --> Chats --> [X] Show in IMAP

或点击此链接:https ://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/labels

于 2015-10-10T01:15:13.780 回答