I've created a structure of 10 elements (11th for sentinel value) and a structure pointer, assigning address of first structure element to it.
struct student
int roll_no;
struct student s[11];
struct student *ptr = &s[0];
s[10] = NULL; // Sentinel value
while (*ptr != NULL ) // Sentinel Controlled Loop
printf ("%d - ", ptr -> roll_no);
How do I provide a sentinel value in the end of a structure array ?
EDIT : values in structure are changing dynamically i.e. i've created space for 10 structures but it might happen their will be only 5 elements present their at a moment. and sentinel value at 6th position.
when user enters a new structure element, sentinel value shifts forward etc
so i can not use a (int i < 10) condition to simply print all the values.