
问题是,我不经常这样做,而且往往会忘记 API;发生这种情况时,我宁愿让代码在示例目录上运行,并将所有属性转储到一个对象中,这样我就可以提醒自己在哪里可用(显然,我想“转储”,以便以避免必须对自定义打印输出进行编码)。但是,我知道以下几点:

列出对象的所有方法 - perlmonks.org
“开箱即用的 Perl 不做对象自省。像 Moose 这样的类包装器提供自省作为其实现的一部分,但 Perl 的内置对象支持远比这更原始。”


...并开始查看那里提到的库(还有相关链接:rjbs's rubric: the speed of Perl file finders)。


use Data::Dumper;
@targetDirsToScan = ("./");

use File::Find::Object;
my $tree = File::Find::Object->new({}, @targetDirsToScan);
while (my $robh = $tree->next_obj()) {
  #print $robh ."\n"; # prints File::Find::Object::Result=HASH(0xa146a58)}
  print Dumper($robh) ."\n";


# $VAR1 = bless( {
#                  'stat_ret' => [
#                                  2054,
#                                  429937,
#                                  16877,
#                                  5,
#                                  1000,
#                                  1000,
#                                  0,
#                                  '4096',
#                                  1405194147,
#                                  1405194139,
#                                  1405194139,
#                                  4096,
#                                  8
#                                ],
#                  'base' => '.',
#                  'is_link' => '',
#                  'is_dir' => 1,
#                  'path' => '.',
#                  'dir_components' => [],
#                  'is_file' => ''
#                }, 'File::Find::Object::Result' );
# $VAR1 = bless( {
#                  'base' => '.',
#                  'is_link' => '',
#                  'is_dir' => '',
#                  'path' => './test.blg',
#                  'is_file' => 1,
#                  'stat_ret' => [
#                                  2054,
#                                  423870,
#                                  33188,
#                                  1,
#                                  1000,
#                                  1000,
#                                  0,
#                                  '358',
#                                  1404972637,
#                                  1394828707,
#                                  1394828707,
#                                  4096,
#                                  8
#                                ],
#                  'basename' => 'test.blg',
#                  'dir_components' => []

...这主要是我想要的,除了stat结果是一个数组,我必须知道它的布局(($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) stat - perldoc.perl.org)才能理解打印输出。

然后我查看了IO::All,因为 utf-8 处理,我喜欢它(还有,比如说,套接字功能,这对我在同一个脚本中执行不相关的任务很有用);我想我会改用这个包。问题是,我很难发现返回的对象中的可用字段是什么;例如使用此代码:

use Data::Dumper;
@targetDirsToScan = ("./");

use IO::All -utf8;
$io = io(@targetDirsToScan);
@contents = $io->all(0);
for my $contentry ( @contents ) {
  #print Dumper($contentry) ."\n"; 
  # $VAR1 = bless( \*Symbol::GEN298, 'IO::All::File' );
  # $VAR1 = bless( \*Symbol::GEN307, 'IO::All::Dir' ); ...
  #print $contentry->uid . " -/- " . $contentry->mtime . "\n";
  # https://stackoverflow.com/q/24717210/printing-ret-of-ioall-w-datadumper
  print Dumper \%{*$contentry}; # doesn't list uid


# $VAR1 = {
#           '_utf8' => 1,
#           'constructor' => sub { "DUMMY" },
#           'is_open' => 0,
#           'io_handle' => undef,
#           'name' => './test.blg',
#           '_encoding' => 'utf8',
#           'package' => 'IO::All'
#         };
# $VAR1 = {
#           '_utf8' => 1,
#           'constructor' => sub { "DUMMY" },
#           'mode' => undef,
#           'name' => './testdir',
#           'package' => 'IO::All',
#           'is_absolute' => 0,
#           'io_handle' => undef,
#           'is_open' => 0,
#           '_assert' => 0,
#           '_encoding' => 'utf8'

...这显然不显示诸如mtime等属性 - 即使它们存在(如果您取消注释相应的打印行,您可以看到)。

我也尝试过Data::Printer's ( How can I perform introspection in Perl? )p()功能 - 它打印的字段与Dumper. 我还尝试使用print Dumper \%{ref ($contentry) . "::"};列出对象的所有方法 - perlmonks.org),这会打印出如下内容:

'mtime' => *IO::All::File::mtime,
'DESTROY' => *IO::All::File::DESTROY,
'deep' => *IO::All::Dir::deep,
'uid' => *IO::All::Dir::uid,
'name' => *IO::All::Dir::name,

...但前提是您print $contentry->uid ...事先使用该行;否则他们没有列出!我想这与此有关:

introspection - 如何在 Perl 中列出给定对象或包的可用方法?#911294
通常,您不能使用像 Perl 这样的动态语言来执行此操作。该包可能定义了一些您可以找到的方法,但它也可以即时组成在您使用它们之前没有定义的方法。此外,即使调用一个方法(有效)也可能不会定义它。这就是使动态语言变得更好的东西。:)


所以,我想我的主要问题是 - 我如何转储IO::All结果,以便所有字段(包括字段stat)都打印出它们的名称和值(大多数情况下File::Find::Object)?

(我注意到IO::All结果可以是类型,比如IO::All::File,但它的文档遵循“See IO::All ”,根本没有IO::All::File明确讨论。我想,如果我可以“ cast"\%{*$contentry}到 a IO::All::File,然后可能mtime会打印 etc 字段 - 但这样的“演员”可能吗?)

如果这是有问题的,是否有其他软件包可以内省地打印目录迭代结果 - 但对于单个stat属性有命名字段?


3 回答 3


Perl 进行自省的事实是,一个对象会告诉你它是什么类型的对象。

if ( $object->isa("Foo::Bar") ) {
    say "Object is of a class of Foo::Bar, or is a subclass of Foo::Bar.";

if ( ref $object eq "Foo::Bar" ) {
    say "Object is of the class Foo::Bar.";
else {
    say "Object isn't a Foo::Bar object, but may be a subclass of Foo::Bar";


if ( $object->can("quack") ) {
    say "Object looks like a duck!";

Perl 不能直接做的是给你一个特定对象可以做的所有方法的列表。

您也许可以通过某种方式进行调整。Perl 对象存储在符号表中的包名称空间中。类是通过 Perl 子例程实现的。有可能通过包命名空间然后找到所有的子例程。


许多语言可以为其对象生成这样的方法列表(我相信 Python 和 Ruby 都可以),但是这些通常会给您一个列表,而没有解释它们的作用。例如,File::Find::Object::Result(由 的next_obj方法返回File::Find::Object)有一个base方法。它有什么作用?也许它就像basename并给了我文件的名称。不,这就像dirname并给了我目录的名称。


Perl 没有自省功能,但存储在 CPAN 中的所有 Perl 模块都必须通过 POD 嵌入式文档进行记录,并且可以从命令行打印:

$ perldoc File::Find::Object

这是您在 CPAN 页面、 http: //Perldoc.perl.org和 ActiveState 的 Perl 文档中看到的文档。

不算太差。这不是真正的自省,但文档通常非常好。毕竟,如果文档很糟糕,我可能一开始就不会安装那个模块。我perldoc一直在使用。我几乎记不起我孩子的名字,更不用说使用几个月没用过的 Perl 类的方法了,但我发现使用方法perldoc很有效。

您不应该做的是使用Data::Dumper转储对象并尝试找出它们包含的内容和可能的方法。一些切割器程序员正在使用Inside-Out Objects来阻止偷窥。

所以不,Perl 不像某些语言那样列出特定类的方法,但perldoc它非常接近于你需要的东西。File::Find::Object好久没用了,不过翻了一下,perldoc大概能写出这样的程序不费力了。

于 2014-07-13T05:27:27.230 回答

正如我对您之前的问题的回答,在 Perl 中依赖对象的核心并不是一个好主意。相反,只需调用方法。

如果 IO::All 没有提供一种方法来为您提供所需的信息,您可以为它编写自己的方法,该方法仅使用 IO::All 提供的文档化方法来组装该信息...

use IO::All;

# Define a new method for IO::All::Base to use, but
# define it in a lexical variable!
my $dump_info = sub {
   use Data::Dumper ();
   my $self = shift;
   local $Data::Dumper::Terse    = 1;
   local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
   return Data::Dumper::Dumper {
      name    => $self->name,
      mtime   => $self->mtime,
      mode    => $self->mode,
      ctime   => $self->ctime,

$io = io('/tmp');
for my $file ( $io->all(0) ) {
   print $file->$dump_info();
于 2014-07-13T21:24:38.950 回答

好的,这更像是一个练习(并且提醒我);下面是一些代码,我尝试在其中定义一个类 ( File::Find::Object::StatObj),其中包含所有字段的访问器stat字段。然后,我有IO::All::File替换 Perl 中的类(“覆盖”/“扩展”具有相同名称的类)的技巧?,其中mtimef添加了一个对应于 的字段mtime,仅作为提醒。

然后,为了看看我可以在两个库之间拥有什么样的接口,我IO::All进行了迭代;并且当前文件路径被传递给File::Find::Object,我们从中获得File::Find::Object::Result- 已被“破解”以显示File::Find::Object::StatObj; 但是那个只有在调用被黑的 Result 之后才生成full_components(这也可能是一个单独的函数)。请注意,在这种情况下,您不会得到full_components/ dir_componentsof File::Find::Object::Result-- 因为显然它不是File::Find::Object在这里进行遍历,而是IO::All. 无论如何,结果是这样的:

#  $VAR1 = {
#            '_utf8' => 1,
#            'mtimef' => 1403956165,
#            'constructor' => sub { "DUMMY" },
#            'is_open' => 0,
#            'io_handle' => undef,
#            'name' => 'img/test.png',
#            '_encoding' => 'utf8',
#            'package' => 'IO::All'
#          };
#  img/test.png
# >  - $VAR1 = bless( {
#                   'base' => 'img/test.png',
#                   'is_link' => '',
#                   'is_dir' => '',
#                   'path' => 'img/test.png',
#                   'is_file' => 1,
#                   'stat_ret' => [
#                                   2054,
#                                   426287,
#                                   33188,
#                                   1,
#                                   1000,
#                                   1000,
#                                   0,
#                                   '37242',
#                                   1405023944,
#                                   1403956165,
#                                   1403956165,
#                                   4096,
#                                   80
#                                 ],
#                   'basename' => undef,
#                   'stat_obj' => bless( {
#                                          'blksize' => 4096,
#                                          'ctime' => 1403956165,
#                                          'rdev' => 0,
#                                          'blocks' => 80,
#                                          'uid' => 1000,
#                                          'dev' => 2054,
#                                          'mtime' => 1403956165,
#                                          'mode' => 33188,
#                                          'size' => '37242',
#                                          'nlink' => 1,
#                                          'atime' => 1405023944,
#                                          'ino' => 426287,
#                                          'gid' => 1000
#                                        }, 'File::Find::Object::StatObj' ),
#                   'dir_components' => []
#                 }, 'File::Find::Object::Result' );

我不确定这有多正确,但我喜欢的是我可以忘记字段的位置;然后我可以重新运行转储程序,并看到我可以mtime通过 (*::Result) ->stat_obj->size- 这似乎有效(这里我只需要阅读这些,而不是设置它们)。


use Data::Dumper;
my @targetDirsToScan = ("./");

use IO::All -utf8 ;                          # Turn on utf8 for all io

# try to "replace" the IO::All::File class
{ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/24726797/277826
  package IO::All::File;
  use IO::All::File; # -base; # just do not use `-base` here?!

  # hacks work if directly in /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/IO/All/File.pm
  # NB: field is a sub in /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/IO/All/Base.pm
  field mtimef => undef; # hack

  sub file {
    my $self = shift;
    bless $self, __PACKAGE__;
    $self->name(shift) if @_;
    $self->mtimef($self->mtime); # hack
    #print("!! *haxx0rz'd* file() reporting in\n");
    return $self->_init;


use File::Find::Object;
# based on /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/File/Find/Object/Result.pm;
# but inst. from /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/File/Find/Object.pm
  package File::Find::Object::StatObj;
  use integer;
  use Tie::IxHash;
  #use Data::Dumper;
  sub ordered_hash { # https://stackoverflow.com/a/3001400/277826
    #my (@ar) = @_; #print("# ". join(",",@ar) . "\n");
    tie my %hash => 'Tie::IxHash';
    %hash = @_; #print Dumper(\%hash);
  my $fields = ordered_hash(
        # from http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/stat.html
        (map { $_ => $_ } (qw(
        dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size
        atime mtime ctime blksize blocks
      ); #print Dumper(\%{$fields});
  use Class::XSAccessor
      #accessors => %{$fields}, # cannot - is seemingly late
      # ordered_hash gets accepted, but doesn't matter in final dump;
      #accessors => { (map { $_ => $_ } (qw(
      accessors => ordered_hash( (map { $_ => $_ } (qw(
        dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size
        atime mtime ctime blksize blocks
      ))) ),
      #))) },
  use Fcntl qw(:mode);
  sub new
    #my $self = shift;
    my $class = shift;
    my @stat_arr = @_; # the rest
    my $ic = 0;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
    for my $k (keys %{$fields}) {
      $fld = $fields->{$k};
      #print "$ic '$k' '$fld' ".join(", ",$stat_arr[$ic])." ; ";
    #print "\n";
    return $self;

# try to "replace" the File::Find::Object::Result
  package File::Find::Object::Result;
  use File::Find::Object::Result;
  #use File::Find::Object::StatObj; # no, has no file!

  use Class::XSAccessor replace => 1,
      accessors => {
          (map { $_ => $_ } (qw(

  #use Fcntl qw(:mode);
  #sub new # never gets called
  sub full_components
    my $self = shift; #print("NEWCOMP\n");
    my $sobj = File::Find::Object::StatObj->new(@{$self->stat_ret()});
    $self->stat_obj($sobj); # add stat_obj and its fields
      ($self->is_dir() ? () : $self->basename()),

# main script start

my $io = io($targetDirsToScan[0]);
my @contents = $io->all(0);                    # Get all contents of dir
for my $contentry ( @contents ) {
  print Dumper \%{*$contentry};
  print $contentry->name . "\n"; # img/test.png
  # get a File::Find::Object::Result - must instantiate
  #  a File::Find::Object; just item_obj() will return undef
  #  right after instantiation, so must give it "next";
  # no instantition occurs for $tro, though!
  #my $tffor = File::Find::Object->new({}, ($contentry->name))->next_obj();
  my $tffo = File::Find::Object->new({}, ("./".$contentry->name));
  my $tffos = $tffo->next(); # just a string!
  $tffo->_calc_current_item_obj(); # unfortunately, this will not calculate dir_components ...
  my $tffor = $tffo->item_obj();
  # ->full_components doesn't call new, either!
  # must call full_compoments, to generate the fields
  #  (assign to unused variable triggers it fine)
  # however, $arrref_fullcomp will be empty, because
  #  File::Find::Object seemingly calcs dir_components only
  #  if it is traversing a tree...
  $arrref_fullcomp = $tffor->full_components;
  #print("# ".$tffor->stat_obj->size."\n"); # seems to work
  print "> ". join(", ", @$arrref_fullcomp) ." - ". Dumper($tffor);
于 2014-07-14T01:10:58.110 回答