我正在使用 Visual Studio Online 和 Visual Studio 2013。构建失败
You are trying to build with OctoPack, but the NuGet targets file that OctoPack depends on is not available on this computer. This is probably because the OctoPack package has not been committed to source control, or NuGet Package Restore is not enabled
根据此链接https://octopusdeploy.com/blog/octopack-3.0我需要进行一些更改以使程序包恢复正常工作,但前一个链接中的另一个链接说如果使用 VS2013 和 Visual Studio Online 则不需要配置Nuget.org
当我在 VS 中构建时,首先恢复所有包,然后构建项目。此外,如果我构建项目并通过命令行调用 Octopack,一切正常。想法?