I've got os x Yosemite beta 3 for developers.

I need to format or initialise my macintosh HD and re-install it, but how am i sure that i will be able to re-install it? Because if I go on developer.apple.com and I try to re-download the Yosemite from apple store, it tells me that the code is already used; exactly:

Code already used

So how to know if i will able to re-install the Yosemite beta and not mavericks?

I need Yosemite and i need to format.



1 回答 1


使用您兑换代码的帐户从 App Store 下载。从那里,您可以使用该应用程序重新安装它,或者使用以下方法制作安装媒体:http: //support.apple.com/kb/HT5856

于 2014-10-12T10:52:15.487 回答