it's my first question here so i'll try to be clear :)

I want to execute a python script on a server (I use pythonanywhere), this script is took from spawningtool. I succeed on the install and I'm able do execute it in a shell on the user interface.

The problem is that I want to execute it when a client ask ^^, here a classic situation :

  1. The client send a file to the server
  2. The server execute the script with the file in parameter
  3. The server answer with a string

How can I do that ? (Does it have a link with Django,Bottle etc . . . ?)

PS : Python stuff is new for me so take in consideration that I'm a mobile dev with very few notion of python and web dev.


1 回答 1


你肯定需要学习很多关于 Web 开发的知识才能做到这一点。查看 Django、Flask 或 Bottle 的教程。了解网络的工作原理,然后将其应用于您的问题。

于 2014-07-11T18:12:54.550 回答