如何获得上下文差异(仅是有差异的行而不是所有行)以及使用 difflib.Differ() 比较行中的字符
>>> text1 = ''' 1. 111
... 2. 222
... 3. 333
... 4. 444
... '''.splitlines(1)
>>> text2 = ''' 1. 121 xxx
... 2. 222
... 3. 313
... 4. 444
... '''.splitlines(1)
>>> from difflib import Differ
>>> d = Differ()
>>> print ''.join(d.compare(text1, text2))
- 1. 111
+ 1. 121 xxx
2. 222
- 3. 333
? ^
+ 3. 313
? ^
4. 444
# I want something like this with context=True
>>> print ''.join(d.compare(text1, text2))
- 1. 111
+ 1. 121 xxx
- 3. 333
? ^
+ 3. 313
? ^
更新: 我已经在这里回答了:python difflib character diff with unifed contextual format