I am working on autonmation testing an Oracle Forms application with UFT V11.5.

The issue I'm having is that when you add an object in the object repository it adds a "developer name" for the object in the description properties. However, this property is dynamic and changes every time the application is opened. There is, however, a label property that remains static.

Unfortunately, UFT doesn't add the label property by default, meaning that I have to manually delete the developer name property and then add the label. I'd like to make it so that when I add an object to the repository, it uses the label Description property, rather than the developer name - does anyone know how to accomplish this?



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UFT(以及之前的 QTP)允许您更改默认对象标识设置。从主菜单中选择“工具 -> 对象识别”。从“环境”下拉列表中选择“Oracle Forms”,然后找到要调整的测试对象类。您可以从强制或辅助属性列表中删除“开发者名称”,然后在其位置添加“标签”属性。

请注意,这些设置是特定于机器的,只会影响您学习的新对象,而不影响对象存储库中已有的对象。如果您想“备份”您的设置以移动到另一台机器或在将来恢复,有一个“生成脚本”按钮将创建一个 VBS 文件以自动定义设置。

于 2014-07-10T12:53:50.023 回答