我知道可以使用 Wireshark 和 VLC 保存 RTP h264 流。但为了更多地了解视频流,我正在尝试自己做。有几个相关的问题可以很好地阅读这个主题:

如何处理原始 UDP 数据包,以便它们可以被 directshow 源过滤器中的解码器过滤器解码

使用 ffmpeg (libavcodec) 通过 RTP 解码 H264 视频的问题

如何将 H.264 UDP 数据包转换为可播放的媒体流或文件(碎片整理)


  • 我可以通过 UTP 接收 RTP 数据包。
  • 我按照上述问题中的讨论解析数据包。
  • 我将数据包写入文件,以 \x000001 分隔,并根据上述指南再次添加 NAL 字节。
  • 在文件的开头,我放置了从我的代码与服务器的 RTSP 对话中获得的 SPS 和 PPS(再次由正确的字节分隔)。

我最终得到了一个据说有很多 NAL 帧的文件。然后我尝试在 .264 文件上运行 ffmpeg 以创建 .mp4。这带来了几个错误:

[h264 @ 0x15257a0] decode_slice_header 错误

[h264@0x15257a0] 没有框架!

[h264 @ 0x15257a0] 引用了不存在的 PPS

[h264 @ 0x15257a0] 引用了不存在的 PPS 0

[buffer @ 0x15e16a0] 无效的像素格式字符串'-1'

在我弄清楚这个问题之前,我基本上处于停滞状态。我已经彻底阅读了上面链接到的问题,并且流绝对是可见的,因为我可以通过 VLC 连接和观看它,并且根据wireshark,传入的数据包肯定是 H264 RTP 数据包。如果 VLC 可以做到,为什么我不能!我将不胜感激对我的错误的任何洞察以及可能解决它们之间分歧的三个相关问题的总结。


1 回答 1


请参阅如何处理原始 UDP 数据包,以便它们可以被 directshow 源过滤器中的解码器过滤器解码


//Determine if the forbidden bit is set and the type of nal from the first byte
            byte firstByte = packetData[offset];

            //bool forbiddenZeroBit = ((firstByte & 0x80) >> 7) != 0;

            byte nalUnitType = (byte)(firstByte & Common.Binary.FiveBitMaxValue);

            //o  The F bit MUST be cleared if all F bits of the aggregated NAL units are zero; otherwise, it MUST be set.
            //if (forbiddenZeroBit && nalUnitType <= 23 && nalUnitType > 29) throw new InvalidOperationException("Forbidden Zero Bit is Set.");

            //Determine what to do
            switch (nalUnitType)
                //Reserved - Ignore
                case 0:
                case 30:
                case 31:
                case 24: //STAP - A
                case 25: //STAP - B
                case 26: //MTAP - 16
                case 27: //MTAP - 24
                        //Move to Nal Data

                        //Todo Determine if need to Order by DON first.
                        //EAT DON for ALL BUT STAP - A
                        if (nalUnitType != 24) offset += 2;

                        //Consume the rest of the data from the packet
                        while (offset < count)
                            //Determine the nal unit size which does not include the nal header
                            int tmp_nal_size = Common.Binary.Read16(packetData, offset, BitConverter.IsLittleEndian);
                            offset += 2;

                            //If the nal had data then write it
                            if (tmp_nal_size > 0)
                                //For DOND and TSOFFSET
                                switch (nalUnitType)
                                    case 25:// MTAP - 16
                                            //SKIP DOND and TSOFFSET
                                            offset += 3;
                                            goto default;
                                    case 26:// MTAP - 24
                                            //SKIP DOND and TSOFFSET
                                            offset += 4;
                                            goto default;
                                            //Read the nal header but don't move the offset
                                            byte nalHeader = (byte)(packetData[offset] & Common.Binary.FiveBitMaxValue);

                                            if (nalHeader > 5)
                                                if (nalHeader == 6)
                                                    containsSei = true;
                                                else if (nalHeader == 7)
                                                    containsPps = true;
                                                else if (nalHeader == 8)
                                                    containsSps = true;

                                            if (nalHeader == 1) containsSlice = true;

                                            if (nalHeader == 5) isIdr = true;

                                            //Done reading

                                //Write the start code
                                Buffer.Write(NalStart, 0, 3);

                                //Write the nal header and data
                                Buffer.Write(packetData, offset, tmp_nal_size);

                                //Move the offset past the nal
                                offset += tmp_nal_size;

                case 28: //FU - A
                case 29: //FU - B
                         Informative note: When an FU-A occurs in interleaved mode, it
                         always follows an FU-B, which sets its DON.
                         * Informative note: If a transmitter wants to encapsulate a single
                          NAL unit per packet and transmit packets out of their decoding
                          order, STAP-B packet type can be used.
                        //Need 2 bytes
                        if (count > 2)
                            //Read the Header
                            byte FUHeader = packetData[++offset];

                            bool Start = ((FUHeader & 0x80) >> 7) > 0;

                            //bool End = ((FUHeader & 0x40) >> 6) > 0;

                            //bool Receiver = (FUHeader & 0x20) != 0;

                            //if (Receiver) throw new InvalidOperationException("Receiver Bit Set");

                            //Move to data

                            //Todo Determine if need to Order by DON first.
                            //DON Present in FU - B
                            if (nalUnitType == 29) offset += 2;

                            //Determine the fragment size
                            int fragment_size = count - offset;

                            //If the size was valid
                            if (fragment_size > 0)
                                //If the start bit was set
                                if (Start)
                                    //Reconstruct the nal header
                                    //Use the first 3 bits of the first byte and last 5 bites of the FU Header
                                    byte nalHeader = (byte)((firstByte & 0xE0) | (FUHeader & Common.Binary.FiveBitMaxValue));

                                    //Could have been SPS / PPS / SEI
                                    if (nalHeader > 5)
                                        if (nalHeader == 6)
                                            containsSei = true;
                                        else if (nalHeader == 7)
                                            containsPps = true;
                                        else if (nalHeader == 8)
                                            containsSps = true;

                                    if (nalHeader == 1) containsSlice = true;

                                    if (nalHeader == 5) isIdr = true;

                                    //Write the start code
                                    Buffer.Write(NalStart, 0, 3);

                                    //Write the re-construced header

                                //Write the data of the fragment.
                                Buffer.Write(packetData, offset, fragment_size);
                        // 6 SEI, 7 and 8 are SPS and PPS
                        if (nalUnitType > 5)
                            if (nalUnitType == 6)
                                containsSei = true;
                            else if (nalUnitType == 7)
                                containsPps = true;
                            else if (nalUnitType == 8)
                                containsSps = true;

                        if (nalUnitType == 1) containsSlice = true;

                        if (nalUnitType == 5) isIdr = true;

                        //Write the start code
                        Buffer.Write(NalStart, 0, 3);

                        //Write the nal heaer and data data
                        Buffer.Write(packetData, offset, count - offset);

于 2014-11-14T18:58:41.823 回答