$search = $rets->SearchQuery("User",11,"(2699=1900-01-01+)");
while ($listing = $rets->FetchRow($search)) {
    echo print_r($listing);

尝试使用这些设置拉出所有 MLS 代理,但根本看不到任何东西,我尝试了很多选项,但没有任何传递。

The Field : [2699] => LastLoginDate
(Pulled out directly from get metadatatable)


这是我从元数据表中得到的结果(这样你就可以看到我的 User 和 11 都很好)

   [0] => Array
        [Resource] => DeletedListing
        [Data] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 1021
                        [VisibleName] => DeletedListing
                        [StandardName] => 
                        [Description] => Deleted Listings
                        [TableVersion] => 28.63.49757
                        [TableDate] => Thu, 28 Jul 2011 05:35:57 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 



[1] => Array
        [Resource] => Office
        [Data] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 12
                        [VisibleName] => OFF
                        [StandardName] => Office
                        [Description] => Office
                        [TableVersion] => 37.45.13672
                        [TableDate] => Tue, 13 May 2014 15:34:32 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 



[2] => Array
        [Resource] => Property
        [Data] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 1
                        [VisibleName] => RES
                        [StandardName] => ResidentialProperty
                        [Description] => Residential
                        [TableVersion] => 37.91.89015
                        [TableDate] => Sun, 06 Jul 2014 18:16:55 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [1] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 2
                        [VisibleName] => CON
                        [StandardName] => 
                        [Description] => Condominium
                        [TableVersion] => 37.59.63841
                        [TableDate] => Fri, 30 May 2014 10:24:01 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [2] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 3
                        [VisibleName] => MUL
                        [StandardName] => MultiFamily
                        [Description] => Multifamily
                        [TableVersion] => 37.59.63864
                        [TableDate] => Fri, 30 May 2014 10:24:24 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [3] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 4
                        [VisibleName] => LOT
                        [StandardName] => LotsAndLand
                        [Description] => Lots
                        [TableVersion] => 37.59.63885
                        [TableDate] => Fri, 30 May 2014 10:24:45 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [4] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 5
                        [VisibleName] => FAR
                        [StandardName] => 
                        [Description] => Farm
                        [TableVersion] => 37.59.63903
                        [TableDate] => Fri, 30 May 2014 10:25:03 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [5] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 6
                        [VisibleName] => RNT
                        [StandardName] => 
                        [Description] => Rental
                        [TableVersion] => 37.59.63920
                        [TableDate] => Fri, 30 May 2014 10:25:20 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [6] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 10
                        [VisibleName] => ICI
                        [StandardName] => 
                        [Description] => Commercial
                        [TableVersion] => 37.59.63952
                        [TableDate] => Fri, 30 May 2014 10:25:52 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 

                [7] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 13
                        [VisibleName] => XProp
                        [StandardName] => CommonInterest
                        [Description] => Cross-Property and Open House
                        [TableVersion] => 37.58.83323
                        [TableDate] => Thu, 29 May 2014 12:02:03 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 



[3] => Array
        [Resource] => User
        [Data] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [ClassName] => 11
                        [VisibleName] => USE
                        [StandardName] => Agent
                        [Description] => Member
                        [TableVersion] => 37.50.77785
                        [TableDate] => Tue, 20 May 2014 04:16:25 GMT
                        [UpdateVersion] => 
                        [UpdateDate] => 




资源用户和类 11 的元表

    [sysid] => sysid
    [1662] => Address 1
    [1663] => WorkPhone
    [1664] => EMail Address
    [1665] => Agent Home Page
    [1666] => Access Flag
    [1669] => CellPhone
    [1670] => PagerPhone
    [1671] => City
    [1672] => State
    [1673] => MiddleName
    [1674] => NickName
    [1675] => Comments
    [1676] => OfficePID
    [1677] => OfficeContactNotes
    [1678] => SecurityType
    [1679] => Yellow Pages Flag (Old)
    [1680] => Office Phone (Unused)
    [1681] => Office Fax (Old)
    [1682] => BillingAddress1
    [1683] => BillingAddress2
    [1684] => BillingCity
    [1685] => BillingState
    [1686] => BillingZipCode
    [1687] => BillingPhone
    [1688] => BillingFaxPhone
    [1689] => DeliveryAddress1
    [1690] => DeliveryAddress2
    [1691] => DeliveryCity
    [1692] => DeliveryState
    [1693] => DeliveryZipCode
    [1694] => DeliveryPhone
    [1695] => DeliveryFaxPhone
    [1696] => DeliveryPID
    [1697] => DeliveryRoute
    [1698] => DeliveryStop
    [1699] => DeliveryNotes
    [1700] => DeliveryCommAdrs
    [1701] => KeyCardID
    [1702] => AffiliateType
    [1703] => OfficeVoiceExt
    [1704] => AccountingNum
    [1705] => OtherLicenseNum
    [1706] => NRDSMemberID
    [1707] => PublishingProd1
    [1708] => PublishingProd2
    [1709] => PublishingProd3
    [1710] => PublishingProd4
    [1711] => Access Flag Date (Old)
    [1712] => NetMLSAccess
    [1713] => DataLinkAccess
    [1714] => CensusGroup
    [1715] => CensusTract
    [1716] => CensusBlock
    [1717] => BSMemberPrimaryIndicator
    [1718] => Roster Flag
    [1719] => Yellow Page Flag
    [1720] => Direct Line
    [1721] => BSGender
    [1722] => BSHomeZIPCode
    [1723] => BSHomeZIPCode6
    [1724] => BSMailAddress
    [1725] => BSMailAttnCareOf
    [1726] => BSMailCity
    [1727] => BSMailState
    [1728] => BSMailZIPCode
    [1729] => BSMailZIPCode6
    [1730] => BSPreferredMail
    [1731] => BSPreferredPublication
    [1732] => BSHomeAreaCode
    [1733] => Home Phone Number (Old)
    [1734] => BSPersonalFaxArea
    [1735] => Personal Fax (Old)
    [1736] => BSPreferredFax
    [1737] => BSOfficeID
    [1738] => Member Class
    [1739] => BSJoinedDate
    [1740] => BSOrientationDate
    [1741] => BSStatus
    [1742] => BSStatusDate
    [1743] => BSPreviousNonMember
    [1744] => BSDuesWaivedLocal
    [1745] => BSDuesWaivedState
    [1746] => Board
    [1747] => BSSocialSecurityNumber
    [1748] => MLXchange # of Accesses
    [1749] => BSBirthDate
    [1750] => BSTransferDate
    [1751] => BSStopMail
    [1752] => BSJunkMailFlag
    [1753] => BSOnlineStatus
    [1754] => Access Flag Date
    [1755] => BSPrimaryAssociationID
    [1756] => BSSecondaryAssociationID1
    [1757] => BSSecondaryAssociationID2
    [1758] => BSSecondaryAssociationID3
    [1759] => BSPrimaryStateAssocID
    [1760] => BSSecondaryStateAssocID1
    [1761] => BSSecondaryStateAssocID2
    [1762] => BSSecondaryStateAssocID3
    [1763] => BSAffiliationCode#1
    [1764] => BSAffiliationCode#2
    [1765] => BSAffiliationCode#3
    [1766] => BSAffiliationCode#4
    [1767] => BSAffiliationCode#5
    [1768] => BSAffiliationCode#6
    [1769] => BSAffiliationCode#7
    [1770] => BSAffiliationCode#8
    [1771] => BSAffiliationCode#9
    [1772] => BSAffiliationCode#10
    [1773] => BSAffiliationCode#11
    [1774] => BSAffiliationCode#12
    [1775] => BSDesignationDate#1
    [1776] => BSDesignationCode#1
    [1777] => BSDesignationCode#2
    [1778] => BSDesignationDate#2
    [1779] => BSDesignationCode#3
    [1780] => BSDesignationDate#3
    [1781] => BSDesignationCode#4
    [1782] => BSDesignationDate#4
    [1783] => BSDesignationCode#5
    [1784] => BSDesignationDate#5
    [1785] => BSDesignationCode#6
    [1786] => BSDesignationDate#6
    [1787] => BSDesignationCode#7
    [1788] => BSDesignationDate#7
    [1789] => BSDesignationCode#8
    [1790] => BSDesignationDate#8
    [1791] => BSDesignationCode#9
    [1792] => BSDesignationDate#9
    [1793] => BSDesignationCode#10
    [1794] => BSDesignationDate#10
    [1795] => BSDesignationCode#11
    [1796] => BSDesignationDate#11
    [1797] => BSDesignationCode#12
    [1798] => BSDesignationDate#12
    [1799] => BSPrimaryFieldofBusiness
    [1800] => BSSecondaryFieldofBus1
    [1801] => BSSecondaryFieldofBus2
    [1802] => BSSecondaryFieldofBus3
    [1803] => User Title
    [1804] => BSPointOfEntry
    [1805] => BSEMailAddress
    [1806] => BSMLSNumber
    [1807] => Altaira Multi-Login Flag YN
    [1808] => BSStopFaxCode
    [1809] => Agent Extension
    [1810] => BSReinstatementCode
    [1811] => BSReinstatementDate
    [1812] => BSNARDuesPaid
    [1813] => BSStateDuesPaid
    [1814] => Board Old
    [1815] => Address 2
    [1816] => Address 3
    [1817] => Entry Date
    [1818] => First Name
    [1819] => Personal Fax
    [1820] => Last Name
    [1821] => Last Transaction Code
    [1822] => Last Transaction Date
    [1823] => Office Code
    [1824] => Password
    [1825] => Rdfsetdate
    [1826] => Record Delete Flag
    [1827] => Roster Flag (Old)
    [1828] => Primary User Class
    [1829] => Member Code
    [1830] => Agent ID
    [1831] => User Title (Old)
    [1832] => Home Phone 
    [1833] => Postal Code
    [2310] => RegBoard
    [2414] => User Full Name
    [2415] => User Company Name
    [2416] => User Address1
    [2417] => User Address2
    [2418] => User City
    [2419] => User State
    [2420] => User Zip
    [2421] => User Work Phone
    [2422] => User Cell Phone
    [2423] => User Pager-PIN
    [2424] => User Fax
    [2425] => User 800 Phone
    [2426] => User Primary Email
    [2427] => User Cell Email
    [2428] => User Web URL
    [2429] => User Email Signature
    [2468] => MLX Type
    [2469] => SecondaryBoardID
    [2473] => License Type
    [2513] => MDCAuditLevel
    [2514] => AgentFullName
    [2515] => ProNDREmailAddress
    [2530] => SuspensionType
    [2531] => SuspensionDate
    [2555] => PriviledgedSSOUser
    [2556] => Designation
    [2557] => EmailSignature
    [2572] => FirmCode
    [2573] => FirmName
    [2585] => DrivingLatitude
    [2586] => DrivingLongitude
    [2598] => AgentLicense
    [2689] => ListingServiceNameAbbrev
    [2692] => Member CREA ID
    [2699] => LastLoginDate


$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property",1,"(105=2012-01-01+)");
while ($listing = $rets->FetchRow($search)) {
    echo print_r($listing);

1 回答 1


您能否显示资源用户和类名 11 的元数据表。





于 2014-07-10T20:31:11.887 回答