我正在尝试在 vhdl 中为 UA(R)T 创建一个状态机(仅发送部分)。
我对程序的流程有疑问。我知道 buad rate 部分目前不起作用。我现在正试图让它只用一个时钟工作,然后实现波特率分频器。
当我通过我的测试台运行它时(没什么复杂的,只需为 x 时间分配几个初始值 reset = 1,din = z,baud = y 等),没有任何反应。我的输出 txd 保持在重置阶段设置的初始“1”值,如果我将其设置为“0”,它将在周期内保持不变。
基本上,它应该做的是: reset: txd = 1, count = 1, busy = 0, we = 0 idle: when busy = 1 set shift = init values wait: transition on next clock signal trans: if count < 9,txd = shift(0),如果 count = 9,则 shift shift,busy = 0,count = 0 并返回空闲
-- Universal Asynch Receiver Transmitter
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity eds_uart is
generic (width : positive := 16);
port ( clk,reset: in std_logic ;
din_wen: buffer std_logic; -- state machine sets value thus buffer needed
brd : in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- buad rate dividor
din : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- input value
txd: out std_logic; -- sent data bit
tx_busy : buffer std_logic -- sent data bit active
end entity eds_uart;
architecture behaviour of eds_uart is
type state_type is (idle_s, wait_s, transmit_s); -- three possible states of uat
signal current_s: state_type;
signal tick: std_logic; -- baud rate clock
signal count: integer := 0; -- count number of characters sent
signal shift: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- intermediate vector to be shifted
-- assign tick value based on baud rate
-- need to implement divisor
process(clk, brd) begin
tick <= clk;
end process;
process(tick, reset, din) begin
if (reset = '1') then
current_s <= idle_s; -- default state
count <= 0; -- reset character counter
txd <= '1';
tx_busy <= '0';
din_wen <= '0'; -- able to start sending
elsif (current_s = idle_s and din_wen = '1') then -- transition when write enable is high
current_s <= wait_s; -- transition
tx_busy <= '1';
shift <= '1' & din & '0'; -- init shift value
elsif (current_s = wait_s and rising_edge(tick)) then -- transition on clock signal
current_s <= transmit_s;
elsif (current_s = transmit_s and rising_edge(tick)) then -- test transition on clock signal
if (count < 9) then
txd <= shift(0); -- output value
shift <= '0' & shift(9 downto 1); -- shift to next value
count <= count + 1; -- increment counter
current_s <= transmit_s; -- dont change state
elsif (count = 9) then
txd <= shift(0); -- send last element
count <= 0;
tx_busy <= '0'; -- reset busy signal
current_s <= idle_s; -- start process again
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture behaviour ;