I have the following code from a very popular spring websocket demo:
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
stompClient.subscribe('/user/queue/greeting', function(greeting) {
function sendName() {
var name = document.getElementById('name').value;
stompClient.send("/app/wsdemo", {}, JSON.stringify({
'name' : name
On connect, we actually subscribe to to a queue and provide a callback method.
Now, imagine i have a server service for the websocket that is called getAllUsers
and lets assume i have 2 different components in my front end, usersOnGeographicMap, usersOnDataTable.
lets assume this 2 view components want to make use of the server service (getAllUsers). these 2 component each has a callback function, (one that displays the users on a geographic map, the other callback function draws them on a data table)
the problem now is that i only subscribe to a queue once, and provide him with one callback function. so how do i solve this issue?
ofcourse in ajax it will be very easy because each call is provided with a call back: -usersOnGeographicMap.getUsersAjax(callback1) -usersOnDataTable.getUsersAjax(callback2)