在http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2007-August/030096.html中,typeclass 方法collide
被定义为将 2 元组作为其单个参数,而不是两个“正常”参数(我认为我了解部分应用等)。
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts
-fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
module Collide where
class Collide a b where
collide :: (a,b) -> String
data Solid = Solid
data Asteroid = Asteroid
data Planet = Planet
data Jupiter = Jupiter
data Earth = Earth
instance Collide Asteroid Planet where
collide (Asteroid, Planet) = "an asteroid hit a planet"
instance Collide Asteroid Earth where
collide (Asteroid, Earth) = "the end of the dinos"
-- Needs overlapping and undecidable instances
instance Collide a b => Collide b a where
collide (a,b) = collide (b, a)
-- ghci output
*Collide> collide (Asteroid, Earth)
"the end of the dinos"
*Collide> collide (Earth, Asteroid)
"the end of the dinos"