这是Scala中Kendall tau 距离的正确实现吗
def distance[A : Ordering](s: Seq[A], t: Seq[A]): Int = {
assert(s.size == t.size, "Both sequences should be of the same length")
s.combinations(2).zip(t.combinations(2)).count {
case (Seq(s1, s2), Seq(t1, t2)) =>
(s1 > s2 && t1 < t2) || (s1 < s2 && t1 > t2)
问题是我没有足够的数据来测试算法,只有来自维基百科的几个例子。而且我对算法的理解还不够好,无法生成自己的测试数据。大多数来源是关于Kendall tau 等级相关系数,这是相关但不同的动物。也许我可以以某种方式从另一个中得出一个?
所以,现在我有了 Kendall tau 距离算法的三个实现。其中两个 (distance1
) 给出相同的结果(见下文)。那么,哪一个是正确的?
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
val permutations = Random.shuffle((0 until 5).permutations).take(100)
permutations.sliding(2).foreach { case Seq(s, t) =>
println(s.mkString(",")+"\t"+t.mkString(",")+"\t"+distance1(s, t)+"\t"+distance2(s, t)+
"\t"+distance3(s, t))
def distance1[A : Ordering](s: Seq[A], t: Seq[A]): Int = {
assert(s.size == t.size, "Both sequences should be of the same length")
s.combinations(2).zip(t.combinations(2)).count { case (Seq(s1, s2), Seq(t1, t2)) =>
(s1 > s2 && t1 < t2) || (s1 < s2 && t1 > t2)
def distance2[A](a: Seq[A], b: Seq[A]): Int = {
val aMap = a.zipWithIndex.toMap // map of a items to their ranks
val bMap = b.zipWithIndex.toMap // map of b items to their ranks
a.combinations(2).count{case Seq(i, j) =>
val a1 = aMap.get(i).get // rank of i in A
val a2 = aMap.get(j).get // rank of j in A
val b1 = bMap.get(i).get // rank of i in B
val b2 = bMap.get(j).get // rank of j in B
a1.compare(a2) != b1.compare(b2)
def distance3(τ_1: Seq[Int], τ_2: Seq[Int]) =
(0 until τ_1.size).map { i =>
(i+1 until τ_2.size).count { j =>
(τ_1(i) < τ_1(j) && τ_2(i) > τ_2(j)) || (τ_1(i) > τ_1(j) && τ_2(i) < τ_2(j))
s t Dist1 Dist2 Dist3
3,0,4,2,1 1,4,3,0,2 6 6 6
1,4,3,0,2 0,4,1,2,3 3 5 3
0,4,1,2,3 4,0,1,3,2 8 2 8
4,0,1,3,2 1,2,0,4,3 4 6 4
1,2,0,4,3 2,3,1,4,0 3 5 3
2,3,1,4,0 1,0,3,2,4 8 6 8
1,0,3,2,4 1,3,2,4,0 7 3 7
1,3,2,4,0 4,3,0,1,2 6 6 6
4,3,0,1,2 1,0,2,4,3 7 7 7
1,0,2,4,3 3,4,1,2,0 8 8 8
3,4,1,2,0 1,4,2,0,3 5 5 5
1,4,2,0,3 1,0,3,4,2 8 4 8