我正在调试一些使用 websocketpp 的外国代码。我不断得到相当冗长的控制台输出,尽管一切正常。我可以禁用输出还是至少指向特定的东西?BR,丹尼尔
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [fatal] error in handle_read_handshake: End of File
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [fatal] error in handle_read_frame: End of File (websocketpp.transport:7)
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [info] asio async_shutdown error: system:10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [error] Underlying Transport Error
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [fatal] error in handle_read_frame: End of File (websocketpp.transport:7)
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [info] asio async_write error: system:10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine)
[2014-07-08 14:51:27] [fatal] error in handle_write_frame: Underlying TransportError
[2014-07-08 14:51:35] [fatal] error in handle_read_frame: End of File (websocketpp.transport:7)
[2014-07-08 14:51:35] [info] asio async_shutdown error: system:10054 (An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)
[2014-07-08 14:51:35] [error] Underlying Transport Error