当我从这个网址http://www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/clearcase/60/update/windows/安装 ClearCase 插件时,我遇到了 Eclipse 的以下问题 :
有没有人遇到过类似的问题?我正在使用 Windows 7 和 eclipse galileo。我已经从这个 URL 安装了插件,我该怎么做才能解决这个问题?
| Connect to the Rational ClearCase failed |
| |
| Connect to the Rational ClearCase failed |
| |
| Reason: |
| Select Details >> for more information. |
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| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | OK | | << Details | |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
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|Could not connect to the Rational Clearcase. Please ensure that proper|
|version of ClearCase is installed with the proper patches. Consult the|
|ClearCase SCM Adapter documentation for further details. |
| |
| |
|Provider name: IBM |
|Plugin name: Rational ClearCase SCM Adapter |
|Plugin ID: com.rational.clearcase |
|Version: 7.5.0.v200910221234 |