My app has a "mobile" module and a "wear" module in AndroidStudio with a goal of producing a native version of the app for Android wear and for the phone. So when generating the apk through Android studio, 2 apk's are produced. Does this mean on the Google Play Developer console I need 2 separate app listings? Which means I would also need separate packages for the apps(since no 2 can be the same)?


2 回答 2


对于 Google Play 商店,需要按照这些gradle 说明或这些手动说明wear将小应用程序打包到较大的应用程序中。mobile

出于调试目的,您需要分别更新和调试这两个应用程序。这就是 Android Studio 最初以这种方式设置它们的原因。

于 2014-07-07T19:42:40.840 回答

通常Android studio会生成两个apk,分别命名为mobile-release.apk和wear-release.apk。

但是您需要将 mobile-release.apk 上传到 Play 商店。此 apk 已与 wear apk 捆绑在一起。

于 2016-08-18T13:27:51.227 回答