Hey guys well i'm working on a project.
Basically i need to be able to retrieve result of a SSDP packet to find the IP of my Pioneer VSX AVR. It responds to SSDP to be used with the official apps and i am working on a windows application to do the same sort off thing.
Source: http://github.com/cyanlabs/vsxremote
What i know so far...
the packet need to be sent to the ip
The port is 1900 and the AVR responds to Telnet/TCP on 23/8102
The description.xml is located at
I tried to figure this code out but it didn't seem to work. http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/d7f53b79-80dc-46f7-96dd-fc3b7a28f8d4
The request i need to send is
M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1 HOST: ST:urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 MAN: "ssdp:discover" MX: 1
Any help would be great. Thanks.