鉴于 Cucumber 中的以下内容:
Given a car exists with title: "Toyota"
And I go to path "/cars"
And I follow "Toyota Page"
And I should be on path "/cars/CAR_ID"
Where CAR_ID is the ID of the car titled "Toyota".
鉴于 Cucumber 中的以下内容:
Given a car exists with title: "Toyota"
And I go to path "/cars"
And I follow "Toyota Page"
And I should be on path "/cars/CAR_ID"
Where CAR_ID is the ID of the car titled "Toyota".
Given a car exists with title: "Toyota"
When I go to path "/cars"
And I follow "Toyota Page"
Then I should be on the page for the car: "Toyota"
Then /^I should be on the page for the car: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |car_title|
car = Car.find_by_title(car_title)
assert_equal "/cars/#{car.id}", URI.parse(current_url).path
Check out: http://railscasts.com/episodes/186-pickle-with-cucumber
In particular look at the pickle example where he creates a product:
Scenario: Show product
Given a product exists with name: "Milk", price: "2.99"
When I go to the show page for that product
Then I should see "Milk" within "h1"
And I should see "$2.99"
Note how he refers to the created product as that product. Pickle will take care of that for you.
Good luck.