我在“learn you a haskell”中阅读了有关该主题的章节,并试图在不同的网站上找到一些提示 - 但仍然无法解决以下任务。我m a haskell newbie (6 weeks of "experience") and it
是第一次使用实例。所以这是任务,我的代码必须通过 HUnit 测试并结束。我试图实现这些实例,但似乎我在那里错过了一些东西。希望你能帮我!谢谢
module SemiGroup where
A type class 'SemiGroup' is given. It has exactly one method: a binary operation
called '(<>)'. Also a data type 'Tree' a newtype 'Sum' and a newtype 'Max' are
given. Make them instances of the 'SemiGroup' class.
The 'Tree' instance should build a 'Branch' of the given left and right side.
The 'Sum' instance should take the sum of its given left and right side. You need
a 'Num' constraint for that.
The 'Max' instance should take the maximum of its given left and right side. You
also need a constraint for that but you have to figure out yourself which one.
This module is not going to compile until you add the missing instances.
import Test.HUnit (runTestTT,Test(TestLabel,TestList),(~?=))
-- | A semigroup has a binary operation.
class SemiGroup a where
(<>) :: a -> a -> a
-- Leaf = Blatt, Branch = Ast
-- | A binary tree data type.
data Tree a = Leaf a
| Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | A newtype for taking the sum.
newtype Sum a = Sum {unSum :: a}
-- | A newtype for taking the maximum.
newtype Max a = Max {unMax :: a}
instance SemiGroup Tree where
(<>) x y = ((x) (y))
instance SemiGroup (Num Sum) where
(<>) x y = x+y
instance SemiGroup (Eq Max) where
(<>) x y = if x>y then x else y
-- | Tests the implementation of the 'SemiGroup' instances.
main :: IO ()
main = do
testresults <- runTestTT tests
print testresults
-- | List of tests for the 'SemiGroup' instances.
tests :: Test
tests = TestLabel "SemiGroupTests" (TestList [
Leaf "Hello" <> Leaf "Friend" ~?= Branch (Leaf "Hello") (Leaf "Friend"),
unSum (Sum 4 <> Sum 8) ~?= 12,
unMax (Max 8 <> Max 4) ~?= 8])
class SemiGroup a where
(<>) :: a -> a -> a
-- Leaf = Blatt, Branch = Ast
-- | A binary tree data type.
data Tree a = Leaf a
| Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | A newtype for taking the sum.
newtype Sum a = Sum {unSum :: a}
-- | A newtype for taking the maximum.
newtype Max a = Max {unMax :: a}
instance SemiGroup Tree where
x <> y = Branch x y
instance Num a => SemiGroup (Sum a) where
x <> y = x+y
instance Eq a => SemiGroup (Max a) where
x <> y = if x>y then x else y