运行 play framework 2.3 版,虽然它可能不相关:

我有一个包含以下内容的 html 文件:

        <script type="text/javascript"> if (typeof x === 'undefined') {console.log("x not defined");} else {console.log("in html, x is %s", typeof x);} </script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/somescript.js"></script>

somescript.js 有这个:

(function() {
    jQuery(function() {
        if (typeof x === 'undefined') {
            console.log("in somescript.js, x is %s", typeof x);
            var x = something;
            //other stuff

当我第一次加载页面时, x 按预期未定义。但是,当我转到同一应用程序中的不同页面,然后返回时,控制台显示:

in html, x is object
in somescript.js, x is undefined

这很奇怪,因为在 html 中,if 语句为 false,但在 somescript.js 中,相同的 if 语句为 true。



1 回答 1



x = 0;
function y() {
    //var x; you don't write it here, but internally this is happening
    if (typeof x === 'undefined') {
        alert('x is undefined');
        var x = 1; //because you use var, you are declaring a new variable x,
                   //so it gets hoisted to the top
y(); //alerts x is undefined


x = 0;
function y() {
    if (typeof x === 'undefined') {
        alert('x is undefined');
        x = 1; //we don't use var, so we aren't redeclaring it, just setting its value
y(); //nothing happens
于 2014-07-03T17:08:16.153 回答