I try to develop an 'add this event to your agenda' feature on a mobile website. I found some entries about that but none of them works for me.

How to add .vcs file to Android Calendar

Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download

I can't asking for my users to download an app if they want to open this file.

I've made several tests, on Nexus 4 (4.4.2) and Nexus 5 (4.4.4) neither ical or vcal files work. Files are downloaded, but I can't open them. The behavior is different on Samsung devices. On S2(4.0.3) only vcal format works. It starts an 'Agenda' activity. On S4 mini (4.2.2), iCal and vCal files are handled by 'S Planner'.

Any Ideas ?


1 回答 1


如何在将由 Android 处理的网站上创建日历事件(ics 或 vcs)?

Android是一个操作系统。它不处理日历事件文件——日历应用程序可以。正如您所发现的,有许多适用于 Android 的日历应用程序,用户可能安装了零个、一个或多个。有些可能会提供对日历事件文件的支持,有些可能不会。

这与 Windows 或 Linux 没有什么不同,其中操作系统不处理日历事件文件,并且用户是否安装了可以处理的程序取决于用户。



于 2014-07-03T16:13:38.670 回答