我有兴趣了解“始终有效”实体方法(稍后与 isValid 方法相比)的支持者如何建议使用集合对对象进行建模。我真的很喜欢这种方法背后的想法,但是我很难实现它,因为我的对象变得有点复杂。我想知道,我是否需要强制用户只使用一种更新方法,并指定所有字段?
public Meeting
public string Name {get; protected set;} -- must have
public DateTime Time {get; protected set;} -- must have
public IWine Wine {get; protected set;} -- optional
public string Notneeded2 {get; protected set;} -- optional
public string Notneeded3 {get; protected set;} -- optional
public string Notneeded4 {get; protected set;} -- optional
public string Notneeded5 {get; protected set;} -- optional
public string Notneeded6 {get; protected set;} -- optional
public IUser Chair {get; protected set;} --must have
public List<IUsers> Users {get; protected set;} --must have
public bool isBoardRelated {get; protected set;} --must have
public List<IBoardUsers> {get; protected set;} -- if isBoardRelated, then must have
private void CheckInvariants()
if (blah == null &&....etc)
throw new ModelInvariantCheckException("Catch me and cry");
还是人们更喜欢使用稍后必须调用的 isValid 方法?