我有一个返回我 FlatSessie 对象列表的表单
在我的编辑视图中,我编辑了一些 FlatSessie,并将它们返回到该 List 对象中的 Post 方法。
在我的数据库中,我有 Sessies,我使用 Automapper 将其映射到 FlatSessie 并返回
现在我无法让 linq 为我更新数据库。
public ActionResult Sessies(int id, int? modID, int? projID, string schooljaarparam, List<FlatSessie> sl) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
foreach (FlatSessie s in sl) { //i run over all FlatSessies which i get
Models.Sessies ses = Mapper.Map<FlatSessie, Sessies>(s); // i map them to the Sessies object
List<Sessies> origReeks = _db.Sessies.Where(p => p.Ses_ID == ses.Ses_ID).ToList(); //i get the original Session by ID. if there is a Session with that ID, if not (the ID will be 0) i do an Insert. if there is i want to do an Update.
if (origReeks.Count > 0) {
//it's an update
UpdateModel(origReeks.First(); //doesnt work
//_db.Sessies.Attach(ses, origReeks.First()); //doesnt work, gives me an error on used ID...
} else {
//no sessies yet, add them, this works.
TempData["okmsg"] = "De sessies zijn opgeslagen";
return RedirectToAction("Index");
//if not valid, i return the viewdata which i need.
Module m = _db.Modules.First(md => md.Mod_ID == modID.Value);
int antses = m.Mod_AantalSessies.Value;
List<List<SelectListItem>> lpllst = new List<List<SelectListItem>>(antses);
for (int i = 0; i < antses; i++) {
lpllst.Add(MvcApplication.lesplaatsList(schooljaarparam, -1));
ViewData["lesplist"] = lpllst;
ViewData["lglist"] = MvcApplication.lesgeverList();
return View(sl);