我在从 InProc 会话状态中检索会话变量的多个实例时遇到问题。
在下面的代码中,我将一个简单的 BusinessObject 持久化到 Page_Load 事件的会话变量中。单击按钮后,我尝试将对象检索回同一 BusinessObject 的 2 个新声明的实例中。
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
' create a new instance of a business object and set a containg variable
Dim BO As New BusinessObject
BO.SomeVariable = "test"
' persist to inproc session
Session("BO") = BO
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub btnRetrieveSessionVariable_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnRetrieveSessionVariable.Click
' retrieve the session variable to a new instance of BusinessObject
Dim BO1 As New BusinessObject
If Not Session("BO") Is Nothing Then BO1 = Session("BO")
' retrieve the session variable to a new instance of BusinessObject
Dim BO2 As New BusinessObject
If Not Session("BO") Is Nothing Then BO2 = Session("BO")
' change the property value on the first instance
BO1.SomeVariable = "test2"
' why has this changed on both instances?
Dim strBO1Property As String = BO1.SomeVariable
Dim strBO2Property As String = BO2.SomeVariable
End Sub
' simple BusinessObject class
Public Class BusinessObject
Private _SomeVariable As String
Public Property SomeVariable() As String
Return _SomeVariable
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_SomeVariable = value
End Set
End Property
End Class