Activeperl 5.16 + Windows 环境。


我的perl5(revision 5 version 16 subversion 3)配置总结:


我的perl5(revision 5 version 14 subversion 2)配置总结:

完全不会在基于 Linux 的具有相同代码的情况下发生。

这是我的代码,它获取天气 gif 图像,并做了一些魔术(从缓存目录提供故障转移支持,以防互联网死机或远程服务器在获取过程中进行雷达更新,离线)

sub get_map
    my $whichImage = $_[0];

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $cache_file      = $GLOB{'cache_mapA'};          # tempdata file path
    my $cache_file_age  = 100000;                       # this is used to determine if we have to get fresh data from the ems site will hold the tempdata file age in seconds 
    my $data            = '';                           # initializing empty data variable to enable later check for empty variable
    my $cache_time      = $GLOB{'cache_timeMap'};       # Max age of the temdata file in seconds
    my $useCached       = 0;
    my $url             = $GLOB{'mapAurl'};

    if( $whichImage eq "B" )
        $cache_file     = $GLOB{'cache_mapB'};
        $url            = $GLOB{'mapBurl'};

    if ( -s $cache_file )   # test existence of the tempdata file - if it has a size it exists
        my $mtime           = ( stat $cache_file )[9];  # get the Unix time of the last change (in seconds)
        my $current_time    = time;                     # get the current Unix time (in  seconds)
        $cache_file_age     = $current_time - $mtime;       # get the age of the tempdata fileim seconds!       

    if( $cache_file_age > $cache_time ) # check if we have to query the ems server 
        my $response = $ua->get($url);

        if ($response->is_success) # checking if we were able to get the website
            $data = $response->decoded_content( charset => 'none' );
            open my $filehandle , '>' , $cache_file or die 'Horribly';  
            binmode $filehandle;
            print $filehandle $data;
            close $filehandle;

    my $file = $cache_file;
    my $length = -s $file;

    print "Content-type: image/gif\n";
    print "Content-length: $length \n\n";

    binmode STDOUT;

    open (FH,'<', $file) || die "Could not open $file: $!";
    my $buffer = "";

    while (read(FH, $buffer, 10240)) 
        print $buffer;

cache_mapA 指向 tmp/map.A.gif 并缓存

转到http://mywebserver.com/whatever.cgi?type=mapA会得到一个损坏的 gif 文件,该文件在 Google Chrome 的调试器中显示 net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH。


尝试在我的测试盒上切换服务器软件,Apache 和 LightTPD 都显示了这种行为。

我没有想法,因为这在非基于 Windows 的机器上运行良好。


print "Content-type: image/gif\n";
print "Content-length: $length \n\n";

binmode STDOUT;

open (FH,'<', $file) || die "Could not open $file: $!";
my $buffer = "";

while (read(FH, $buffer, 10240)) 
    print $buffer;



1 回答 1


你做了binmode STDOUT但没有binmode FH。Windows Perl:crlf默认打开文件时启用;Unix Perl 没有。

更现代的技术将open (FH,'<:raw', $file)代替单独调用binmode.


于 2014-07-02T17:22:16.530 回答